Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Aggressive tax planning

Author(s) Nepochatenko Olena O., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of Uman National University of Horticulture, Head of Department, Uman National University of Horticulture
Bechko P.K., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Bechko V.P., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Ptashnyk S., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2021 issue Issue number 98. Part 2
pages 57-58 index UDK 336.2:338.246.025.2
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-57-68 (Link)
Abstract The article forms and systematizes the author's approach to the legislative enshrinement in the Tax Code of Ukraine of the essence of economic categories "aggressive tax planning", "minimization of tax liabilities". These terms are widely used in the practice of the OECD and countries with developed market relations. The article highlights the results of the work of the 10th OECD Working Group on Aggressive Tax Planning and the OECD Forum on Tax Administration. Generalized issues regarding the inconsistency of the tax base, which allows taxpayers to minimize and evade their payment. Methodological and theoretical foundations of the study are economic theory, scientific developments of foreign and domestic scientists on the problems of aggressive tax planning. The following research methods were used in the research process: abstract –logical, comparison, monographic and scientific generalization. Studies show that aggressive tax planning as a relatively new category still requires painstaking improvements from those international structures that have sponsored it. Note that the OECD has proposed two somewhat vague definitions of aggressive tax planning that have already been criticized by experts. Thus, according to one definition, it is planning that includes a tax position that is rational, but leads to a result that is unpredictable for the tax authorities, given its inconsistency with the purpose of the law. The experience of foreign countries in identifying and regulating aggressive tax planning should be adapted to domestic realities and reflected in the tax system at the legislative level, which will help improve tax administration, support big business, solve investment, innovation and social problems. The results of the study show that the management of any socially important process requires the ability to constantly maneuver in a large number of changes and new opportunities. The OECD's experience shows that responding to new taxpayer schemes for aggressive tax planning is a challenge. With the enactment of legislation to counter aggressive planning to eliminate them from tax practice, taxpayers are finding new, more sophisticated methods, using them to minimize tax liabilities. This struggle between the two subjects of tax relations will continue as long as the states function mainly through taxes and other obligatory payments.
Key words aggressive tax planning, tax evasion, minimization of tax liabilities, transparency and disclosure of information, withdrawal of profits from taxation
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