Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Effect of concentration of agricultural production and its diversification to development of small-scale enterprises

Author(s) Martynyuk І., , ,
Romanyshyn S., , ,
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #85
pages 203-209 index UDK 338.33:334.72
Abstract The article provides the research on the influence of the concentration of the agricultural production as well as diversification in it, in order to develop the agricultural producers. Considerable attention has been paid to diversification as one of the forms of agricultural production organization. Industrial, functional, marketing types of diversification have been characterized. It has been indicated that concentration and diversification of small-scale agricultural production against the background of its integration contribute to further enterprise development. It has been found that low leveled small-scale agricultural producers should aim at the specialized production of food and agricultural row material stuffs.
Key words small-scale farmers, integration, specialization, concentration, diversification
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