Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Innovative and investment providing of development of an agrarian sector of national economy of Ukraine

Author(s) Huzar B.S., Candidate of Economics Sciences, ,
Prokopchuk O.T., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Melnyk К. М., , ,
Category Economics
year 2019 issue Issue 94. Part 2
pages 141-160 index UDK 330.322:341.338
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-2-141-160 (Link)
Abstract An agrarian sphere of economy is one of the major elements of the economic system of Ukraine that determines the location of national economy in the international division of labor, dynamics of its competitiveness and others. Therefore the basic task of a modern public economic policy are the development and the realization of events for the acceleration of development of agrarian sphere of economy. Unfortunately, today the financial and economic state of agrarian sector and the level of its development under the conditions of market transformations has a considerable destruction. The marked circumstances predetermine a realization of active State politics on providing the financial stabilizing of enterprises and strengthening their financial state. Realization of innovative-investment model of development of agriculture envisages the necessity of a permanent improvement of a state innovative- investment politics as a component of agrarian politics and an element of a government control by the sphere of economy. So,the main task of the agrarian innovative-investment politics for the nearest termt is the providing of stimulation of innovative-investment processes by means of investment resources due to the different sourcings of financing and their effective use. In the article a considerable attention is attended to the modern state of investment climate and problems of innovative - investment providing of development of agrarian sector of national economy of Ukraine The analysis of dynamics and structure of innovations and investments in an agrarian sector showed , that in the last few years the volumes of direct foreign investments has diminished considerably. Among the reasons of recession of volume of attracting direct foreign investments in the economy of country and agrarian sector military operations on the east of Ukraine take the first place, mistrust to the judicial system of Ukraine, absence of unchanging rules of doing business, absence of infrastructure for doing business, and also instability of legislative base, absence of a proper defence of investors and insufficient profitability of investments. The volume of capital investments in an agrarian sector, for an investigated period has increased in 3,4 times, although the volumes of investments remain considerably below from a necessity. In addition a part of capital investments in an agrarian sector grows. In 2012 a part of investments in an agrarian production amounted 6,9 percent from the general volume of capital investments, in 2017 it was 15,6 percent. The volumes of a direct foreign investments attracted in an agrarian sector are analysed. The structure of capital investments and innovations on the sources of their financing is also examined. The basic ways of use of capital investments and priority directions of increase of investment attractiveness are defined. The critical review of dynamics of direct foreign investments to the basis types of economic activity and agrarian sector is conducted. The state of investment climate in Ukraine and its particularities on the modern stage of development in under conditions of market economy and European integration is investigated. Principal reasons of worsening of investment environment are distinguished and attention for positive steps to the increase of investment attractiveness of Ukraine is considereted. Basic directions of improvement of mechanisms of the financial providing of investment- innovative activity are deternined
Key words national economy,agrarian sector, investments, innovations, investment activity, innovative development, direct foreign investments, sourcings of financing, capital investments, personal funds, money of the state budget, foreign investors,bank credits
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