Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Foreign economic activities of ukraine's agriculture subjects under the conditions of growing threats and upgrades

Author(s) Шуст О. А., , ,
Варченко О. М., , ,
Крисанов Д. Ф., , ,
Варченко О. О., , ,
Вернюк Н. О., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 101. Part 2
pages 172-197 index UDK 330.439 (477)
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-172-197 (Link)
Abstract The subject of the research is a set of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of foreign economic activity of the subjects of agrarian entrepreneurship of Ukraine in the conditions of increasing external threats and upsurges. Goal. Summarize the specifics and results of export activities in conditions of periodic crises and local peaks in foreign trade in agricultural products, develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations aimed at strengthening the resistance of agro-food structures to crisis phenomena and processes. Methods. The basis of the conducted studies were general scientific and special methods of cognition: abstract logic, retrospective analysis and inter-peak and inter-crisis comparisons - for the formation of a conceptual and categorical apparatus, the study of the impact of agrarian crises on the scale and geography of the export activity of agro-industrial complex entities; system analysis, structuring and identification - for the development of methodical approaches and periodization of export activities of agribusiness entities, which took place under the influence of the transition of enterprises and farms of the agrarian sphere to the European model of food security and its comprehensive development; formalization, analysis and synthesis - to assess sharp changes (crisis periods and booms) in the foreign economic activity of business entities in the agri-food sector of the economy under the influence of agrarian crises; systematization of approaches to the assessment of changes in the export activity of agro-industrial complex entities, etc. The results. The peculiarities of the export activity of agrarian business entities in the conditions of the sporadic occurrence of crisis phenomena and upswings have been revealed, the specifics of its conduct in inter-crisis and inter-peak periods and stagnation years have been revealed. The problems that inhibited foreign economic activity in the agrarian sector of the economy were systematized. Reasoned practical measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the export activity of agribusiness entities. Scope of application of research results. The results of the research include the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of foreign economic activity in the conditions of the emergence of crisis phenomena and the transition to upswings and the achievement of peak peaks, which expand knowledge about the problems and prospects for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the export of agricultural products until 2026. The obtained results can be used to deepen the theoretical studies on the improvement of the export structure of agricultural products in terms of increasing the share of processed goods, as well as in practical terms regarding directions and measures to revive the export potential of the agricultural sector in the process of eliminating the consequences of Russian aggression. This will make it possible to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector against crisis phenomena and prevent the export of agricultural products from falling below the indicative level
Key words export activity, agrarian crises, agro-industrial complex entities, sustainable development, peak periods, agricultural raw materials, processed and finished products.
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