Uman NUH | today: 01/08/2025

Innovations in the SociaL Protection System

Author(s) Prokopchuk O.T., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Malyovanyi M., Doctor of Ekonomikal Sciences, ,
Ulyanych Y.V., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 100. Part 2
pages 18-28 index UDK 338.24
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-18-28 (Link)
Abstract The article is devoted to topical issues of innovation in the social protection system. At present, in the current conditions characterized by the transitional state of Ukrainian society, globalization processes are exacerbating interest in the issue of quality of life as a tool for implementing and successful functioning of the concept of sustainable development. The social component of sustainable development includes equality between citizens, maximum opportunities to ensure a decent standard of living, harmonious development and self-realization, ensuring safe living and confidence in the future. Taking into account some of the achievements in improving public welfare in Ukraine over the years of economic growth, we see that today the problem of low quality of life for most citizens is quite acute. It is determined that innovations in the system of social protection are characterized by certain specifics and have in comparison with technological, the following expressive features: are the result of collective creativity; have great uncertainty of consequences; characterized by the difficulty of assessing their effectiveness; the presence of a "temporary lag" between the introduction of innovation and the manifestation of its effect; have a wider scope; during their implementation there is no obligatory support of the requirements of new technical equipment; characterized by combining the stage of manufacture and design, which accelerates the innovation process. According to the results of the study, it is substantiated that the system of social protection of Ukraine at the present stage of development requires the introduction of innovations, as the dynamic reality is constantly making new demands on its services. Modernization of the social sphere, including each of its constituent systems, should naturally take place in line with the modernization of the entire Ukrainian economy, taking into account the social orientation of economic policy due to the general condition of the country – poverty of a large Ukrainian population environmental situation. Today, the idea of social innovation occupies one of the key positions in the policy of developed countries, while in Ukraine it is just beginning to spread and is associated with concepts such as public-private partnership, corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship. It is established that the effectiveness of the innovative model of public policy in the system of social protection in today's conditions should be determined by detailed analytical justification of public administration decisions, comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, political, legal, psychological losses and benefits, effectiveness of public administration and professionalism of officials. Thus, social innovations are innovations that must be introduced to resolve contradictions that arise in the social sphere. Social innovations can be both initiated by the state and purposefully implemented in society, as well as internal spontaneous changes that occur in the process of social self-organization
Key words innovations, social innovations, innovative principles, social protection system, state policy, quality of life, standard of living
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