Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Development of foreign trade activity in the conditions of wood market of Ukraine

Author(s) Tymchuk S.V., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 240-248 index UDK 339.56: 691.11
Abstract The article considers the main aspects of conducting foreign trade activity at the wood market. Timber is a strategically important kind of raw material resources of our state. Ukraine is consistently developing foreign economic relations at the timber market with countries of all the continents. Modern researches are directed on considering the issues of timber competitiveness at the foreign market and analysis of current tendencies of export-import activity. However, further development of timber market of Ukraine at the international arena requires detailed research of the tendencies in all segments. Theoretical and methodological basis for the research are scientific works of Ukrainian authors and statistics data of the state authorities. In the course of the research the method of structural and factor analysis was used. The conducted analysis of the tendencies at the timber market demonstrated that during the years of independence Ukraine has turned from a big importer of products into their exporter. A considerable difference in prices and absence of export duties facilitated greater attractiveness of exporting domestic wood products. The consumers of Ukrainian timber are Turkey, Romania, Poland and Germany. The main importer of Ukrainian rough wood products is Turkey. In recent years Ukraine has established closer partner’s relations with Great Britain and China. The transition from distributive economy to the market economy necessitates a number of drastic changes in the economic mechanism of forestry sector of Ukraine.The most important of them appeared to be the refusal from the state monopoly for timber export. As a result state forestry enterprises received the opportunity of entering foreign markets which promoted more active foreign trade relations at the timber market.
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