Uman NUH | today: 01/08/2025

Market relations formation in agrarian sphere оf economic of Ukraine

Author(s) Nevlad, V.F., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Makushok, О.V., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2016 issue 88
pages 189-198 index UDK 338.43:633.85
Abstract The establishment of agricultural products market and products of its alteration is an important constituent part of agrarian policy of Ukraine at current stage of market relations. Its economic essence consists in its being a trade category at first. It is organized according to the trade industry and turnover principles and is also a complex of merchandise exchange and money turnover relations. However, not many problems of farm economy development have been solved at the stage of transfer to market relations, and its effective activity indices do not have enough influence on economic and social development of the whole agribusiness, from the activity of which depends guarantee of state food safety. Speaking about complex characteristics of market processes and events, it is necessary to concentrate on market condition first of all, that is formed under the influence of totality of factors and conditions. It requires a constant monitoring of market situation in its turn. Besides, it would be reasonable to use particular methods of market condition analysis that are based on quality evaluation of market situation received by experimental method for performing the investigation. But investigating the development of agricultural products market includes also the investigation of mechanisms of its infrastructure formation and functioning. Infrastructure of modern market agricultural products of agro industrial complex of Ukraine is characterized with its realizing to dealers, but not engaged in stockpiling and treatment of agricultural products by agricultural commodity producers. So, we offer to realize the structure of agricultural products market according to the principle of market type establishment in sections and considering the products types, which is offered by salesmen. Besides, a great amount of subjects operate in the market of agricultural products. A group of manufacturing subjects, such as storing and treatment of agricultural products, form the industrial subsystem of agrarian market infrastructure. They are the main producers and providers of agrarian products, and they also provide the stockpiling of natural food resources. But sale subjects of agricultural products must be distinguished according to the market type, where they perform their activity. Producers of agricultural products are very often made to realize production with reduced prices to well-informed dealers, without having real information about internal and world market condition. Producers risk to lose a great part of proceeds or they can even not realize their own products in time, if they do not have hot information about changes of market situation. Acceleration of market infrastructure development, intensification of competitive struggle in the turnover sphere will give an opportunity to agricultural providers to choose such channels of agrarian products distribution, that will guarantee the achievement of the best results of their activity, maximization of incomings, and the establishment of conditions for investment activity stimulation at the development of elements of agrarian market infrastructure.
Key words market, agricultural products, market subjects, infrastructure, market condition, monitoring, trade.
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