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Ecological and economic evaluation of land resources іn Cherkasy region

Author(s) Shchetyna M. A., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2016 issue 88
pages 206-213 index UDK 504.062(477.46)
Abstract Worsening environmental problems in Ukraine is due to the influence of a number of factors of socio-economic, technical and technological, organizational and other nature. Main among them is environmentally unbalanced extensive and non sustainable use of natural resources especially lands. Despite technical and technological achievements signs of land scarcity become evident ever more clearly. Problems of ecological cleanliness of the environment, conservation of its reproductive and regenerative potentials are particularly acute as volumes of pollution, extent of depletion and degradation of certain resources including lands are dramatically increasing. Modern ecological situation formed in the country for a long period is characterized as a crisis because the society ignores objective laws of development and reproduction of natural-resource sector of the country despite the fact that land resources including lands have its specifics. Current land use of Ukraine, particularly in Cherkasy region, does not meet the requirements of environmental management. Agricultural development in the region is extremely high and exceeds the environmentally acceptable one than other land resources of Ukraine and is 87.6% (of the total agricultural lands of 1,450.8 thousand ha arable land is 1270.7 thousand ha) while in almost half of the regions it exceeds 90%. Irrational land use system has led to serious environmental consequences – developing degradation processes such as erosion, technogenic pollution, secondary alkalinity and landslides of soils. Main natural factors that cause the development of landslides in the region are: relief, intensity and contrast of neotectonic movements. Spreading soil erosion, loss of humus and development of other degradation processes caused a significant deterioration of the ecological state of soil resources in Cherkasy region. Land resources are a strategic resource of the state so they need the rational and careful use. The main objective of the protection and rational use of land resources is preservation and reproduction of soils, its ecological value and natural qualities. To improve the environmental situation in Cherkasy region is possible by increasing share of environmentally sustainable lands in the structure of soils (natural grasslands and pastures, forests and ponds). The basis for the rational use and protection of land resources is the organization of land management based on landscape-ecological approach that will form optimal land relations and enhancing ecological sustainability of the environment.
Key words land resources, rational use, ecological and economic condition, soils, fertility.
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