Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Reproduction of perennial plantations as a precondition for effective functioning of Horticulture

Author(s) Tupchiy O.S., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #85
pages 181-186 index UDK 631.538:634.003.13
Abstract The market conditions the development of this industry is characterized by instability, decreasing of effectiveness, loss of dominant positions in the domestic market and insufficient using of export potential. This is due to certain violations of structural proportions in industry organisation when production is characterized by a decrease of concentration and specialization, non-observance by enterprises optimal (rational) age structure of perennial plants, insufficient level of innovative processes of development. Achieving a stable production of fruits and berries in any gardening enterprise can be provided by planned reproduction and use of fruit and berry plantations in space and time. Over the period of 2011 – 2012 years Vinnytsia region produced over 3195,0 thousand plants, 489,0 thousand of them are fruit saplings, 143,9 thousand are berries saplings, 2562,1 thousand are strawberry seedlings which does not make it possible to provide the region with own planting material. The essential part of horticulture is nursery gardening that forms the basis of fruit and berries complex. The basis of the effective development of nursery as a branch of horticulture is a steady demand for planting material based on the terms of the annual laying of fruit and berries plantations and their reproduction. The territory of fruit plantations by agricultural enterprises of Vinnytsia region for 2011 – 2012 years was 3.4 times larger compared with the berries plantations. Reproduction of fruit and berries plantations during 2011 – 2012 years at the agricultural enterprises shows that the index of laying (0,06) exceeds the index of withdrawing (0,04) by increasing the area under pome, nut and berry nurseries. Final stage in revival process should become innovative-investment development of the branch which foresees its structural reorientation, buying new facilities, advanced technologies, taking part in the processes of integration and globalization.
Key words play perennial plants, gardening industry, fruit and berry nursery tab young plantations, quality planting material, innovation
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