Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

An activation and an active holding of the innovation policy in the agriculture of Ukraine

Author(s) Melnyk V.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #86
pages 28-35 index UDK 338.2
Abstract Under the modern conditions in the whole world, the rapid changes of the technologic method of production take place in all determinant links, the economic structure, the character of the economic increase, the system of values and motivations changes qualitatively, the conception of criterions of the social progress changes. In the nearest and long-term perspective, taking into account the innovation factor becomes a determining condition of the farthest development of the modern economic systems. The permanent social-economic increase may be reached only on the innovative base by the active usage of modern scientific-innovative developments. It is important for Ukraine to elaborate its own model of the innovative development. Only in this case the plans of the high quality of increase, resource-saving, the efficiency of manufacture, the emission of the competitive output in the inner and world-wide market may be realized. Nowadays the agrarian sector of Ukraine is in especially heavy state. Unstable, unsteady and unformed legislative base, which can not increase the economic stability is one of the main reasons, which should be overcame in the context of the problem of establishment of innovations and the attraction of the investments to the agriculture of our country. Apart from this, the level of the renewal of the material base, the technical level of the provision leads to the decrease of the productivity, the decrease of the quality and the reduction of the volume of production, the increase of the expanses and the increase of the cost price of the output, etc. The innovations are an inalienable component of the human’s activity in the all spheres of business. It’s important for the Ukraine to heave its own model of the innovation development. Innovation is a necessary part of people activity in all spheres. We need to overcome problem that impede the development of the innovations in the Ukrainian agriculture. The support and optimization of the innovation it’s need a full fledged development leasing industry of the agriculture sector. The support of the agrarians by the state should be based on the development of the more perfect mechanism of the distribution of the budgetary costs and the valuable development of the leasing industry in the agrarian sector should function on the base of the market competition with the participation of the state leasing companies as well as the commercial. Only under the terms of active use of the latest technologies the sustain able social-economic development is possible. To observe the changes in the innovation sphere gives the opportunity to make effective competitive struggle. The effective innovation policy will facilitate the entry into the world community of the Ukraine.
Key words technologies, innovation, development, agriculture, leasing, policy, world, Ukraine
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