Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Methodological aspects of conducting economic analysis of greening of agriculture

Author(s) Burlyay A.L., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Burlyay A.P., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2020 issue Issue number 96. Part 2
pages 54-69 index UDK 303.519
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-96-2-54-69 (Link)
Abstract The issues of greening of agricultural production at the present stage are extremely relevant, and will not only reduce its eco-destructive impact, but also contribute to a purposeful process of transformation of the economy into an environmentally safe area. But the methodological aspects of the economic analysis of greening in agriculture are insufficiently developed and require more detailed research, which is the purpose of the article. The greening of production is assessed by a set of indicators based on a systematic approach, which allows us to consider the object of study as a set of interconnected and interdependent subsystems that form a single whole. The purpose of greening agriculture is to eliminate or reduce the effects of eco-destructive factors in agricultural production, the introduction of alternative (environmental, resource-saving, energy-saving, waste-free) technologies for agricultural production and the transition to renewable energy sources. The study of greening of the agricultural sector of the economy requires the use of a range of research methods, among which it is advisable to highlight: 1) definition of the research problem - determination of the relevance of the study of the economic principles of greening of agriculture at the present stage; setting goals and objectives of the study; formation of methodical tools of scientific research and sources of information; 2) research of a problem and definition of results – carrying out of monitoring of ecological and economic conditions of functioning of agrarian sphere of economy; study of the level of greening of agriculture; economic and ecological analysis of alternative systems in agricultural production; study of financial support for the greening of agricultural production; 3) development and decision-making (forecast)– on the basis of previous research, identification of the main directions of further greening of the agricultural sector of the economy and their implementation in practice. Greening of agriculture should provide the maximum general economic effect, the components of which are economic, environmental and social results of the industry. However, economic and environmental goals are generally mutually exclusive, and economic, environmental and social effects are not commensurate over time.
Key words agriculture, ecologization, efficiency, methodology
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