Uman NUH | today: 01/04/2025

Innovation strategy as a means of enterprise business management and development in the conditions of globalization

Author(s) Revutskaya A., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Burlyay A.P., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Smoliy L.V., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, ,
Category Economics
year 2021 issue
pages 81-94 index UDK 658.012.2
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-81-94 (Link)
Abstract The article describes the features of modern business. The relevance of the study of the relationship between strategy and business management is substantiated. Modern business has a very specific content, focus and implementation model. Despite this, business cannot do without a strategy a specific and clear plan of action in certain market conditions, coordinates of time and space. However, for the application of the chosen strategies to be effective and efficient for the enterprise, firm or company, there is an urgent need to explore the relationship between strategy and business management. One of the ways of effective business management, its development, of course, is the timely and professional application of a list of strategies according to the situation formed in the market and within the enterprise in the context of globalization of economic processes. The article presents modern interpretations of the concepts «strategy», «strategic management», «business», «competitive potential of business», «innovation strategy». A generalized classification of strategies used in practice for effective business management and development is described. The potential opportunities of the innovation strategy for the formation of competitive advantages of business in the context of globalization are identified. Strategic innovative measures to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises are presented. An analog model of ensuring the competitive potential of business through the implementation of innovation strategy in the context of globalization of the state economy has been formalized. It is the innovation strategy that is the system of sub-strategies for all levels of the strategic set of the enterprise focused on the innovative development of the business organization and meeting the needs of its potential customers. And as a cognitive tool for adaptive behavior of the enterprise in the external environment, it is focused on solving problems of unsatisfactory situations in change management. It can be interpreted as a set of methods of competition and doing business, which chooses the management of the enterprise to ensure the competitiveness and future profitability of the chosen type of business. Areas of further research are recommended. These include: analysis of the impact of strategies on the business management process, assessment of the effectiveness of the use of strategies for effective business management and selection of priority strategies for effective business management.
Key words strategy, business, management, development, innovation strategy, globalization, innovation, competitiveness, business psychology, economic psychology, strategic business management
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