Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Professional and social adaptation of military officers, veterans and their family members in Ukraine

Author(s) Malyovanyi M., Doctor of Ekonomikal Sciences, ,
Ulyanych Y.V., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Підлубна О. Д., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 101. Part 2
pages 197-207 index UDK 316.4
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-197-207 (Link)
Abstract The article examines the importance of professional and social adaptation of servicemen, veterans and their family members in Ukraine. The concept of professional and social adaptation is studied and their interpretation is distinguished. Social adaptation refers to the process of adaptation to social changes and assistance in analyzing the life situation, identifying the main problems, and ways to solve them; provision of information on issues of social protection of the population; training, formation and development of social skills, abilities; assistance in strengthening/restoring family and socially beneficial ties, organization of daytime employment and leisure time. That is, social adaptation is not a conclusion, it is not a final process, it is a constantly existing, evolving process. Under professional adaptation we understand measures aimed at restoring and improving professional skills and abilities through professional training, providing information, consulting and career guidance services on the specified issues, increasing their competitiveness on the labor market. These two types of adaptation must occur in a complex and direct service members, veterans or their family members to the same end result. Changes in approaches to understanding professional activity were studied and the content of social skills of a modern worker (soft skills) that military personnel, veterans and their family members should know about for their own social and professional adaptation was revealed. Soft skills include business qualities that a representative of a certain specialty will need: business communication, time management, project management, communication, leadership, etc. Professional values are personal beliefs that guide a person in professional practice, for example, conscientiousness and honesty. The model of social support of servicemen, veterans of the ATO/OOS and their family members according to the methodology of the "Norway-Ukraine" project was considered. The positive experience of the project "Retraining and social adaptation of servicemen, veterans and their family members in Ukraine" was studied and analyzed. Integration of the "Norway-Ukraine" project model into the state system" at the Uman National University of Horticulture under the program "Organization of own business in horticulture and vegetable growing".
Key words military personnel, veterans, social adaptation, professional adaptation, project, assistance
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