Uman NUH | today: 01/13/2025

Corporate time management: a modern scientific concept

Author(s) ЗАГОРОДНЮК О. В. , , ,
Гоменюк М. О., , ,
Category Economics
year 2021 issue Issue number 98. Part 2
pages 81-89 index UDK 331.103.6
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-81-89 (Link)
Abstract The necessity for corporate time management for domestic enterprises remains relevant, considering the existing and potential threats and challenges of the modern economic environment. First, the most enterprises do not have their own experience in the formation of corporate time management and corporate culture in general. Secondly, the income per employee in Ukraine is the lowest from European and world ones, which is complemented by the contradictory dynamics of income per employee. Thirdly, the challenge for the formation or improvement of corporate time management is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed the format of economic activity and made it necessary to apply technologies for the remote work. It is proposed to understand corporate time management as a complex of actions of the subjects for the providing of corporate time management and employees, aimed at planning, organizing and controlling working time in order to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. We agree with the provision that corporate time management focuses on the temporary organization of the work of all employees of the enterprise, the consequence of which is the effective use of time by each of them. It was revealed that the main prerequisites for implementation of time management into the enterprise management system are: the growth of requirements for the business activity of the enterprise and competition in the market for goods and services, therefore, competitive advantages will be gained by those enterprises that introduce and implement effective corporate time management; an increase in the proportion of intangible assets in the value of an enterprise, the transformation of its personnel, whose activities are based on corporate time management, into the main competitive advantage; the use of modern information technologies for the implementation and realization of corporate time management; complications of external control over the activities of employees caused by the actualization of remote work in conditions of adaptive and strict quarantine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the formation of backup information technologies and corporate time management tools.
Key words time management, corporate time management, the process of organizing time management
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