Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Competitiveness of agricultural production and products of its processing under the terms of euro integrating processes

Author(s) Nevlad, V.F., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 2
pages 107-116 index UDK 338.436(477)
Abstract Agro sector takes an important place in Ukrainian economics, because it is an even place, where the main part of food resources and three fourth of retail commodity circulation are formed. Agro Industrial Complex is considered one of the most prosperous economic spheres of Ukraine, where there are great possibilities for its development and turnover into highly effective sphere of economics. One of the most important criteria, that provides the development of separate spheres as well as any enterprise in general, is competitiveness. The key criterion of competitiveness for agrarian business under the terms of Euro integration of Ukraine is quality of production. So, export oriented production of the following sphere must have the enough level of scientific providing towards quality management. Trade liberation of agricultural production and products of its processing, orientation onto external markets and, of course, its quality are always highlightened among the conditions of economic development. As a result, the issue of improvement of competitiveness of national producers of goods and processing of production becomes more and more actual under the conditions of international integration. The investigation of modern state and tendencies in development of competitiveness of agro productive complex give an ability to confirm the existence of a raw of disadvantages in agrarian sector. But still, agrarian sector remains rather prosperous and prior for Ukraine. What is very important, is that European way of development for agro productive complex means the modernization of production, investigation of foreign capital and modern technologies, and improvement of the level of economic development.
Key words market, agricultural production, competitiveness, Euro integrating processes, marketing, realization, quality.
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