Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Climatic conditions as a natural ecological factor in agricultural development

Author(s) Burlyay A.P., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2019 issue Issue number 95. Part 2
pages 98-115 index UDK 658.003.1:65.28
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-95-2-98-115 (Link)
Abstract Global climate change threatens to undermine the welfare of society, blow up economic development and change the natural environment. This could be the key issue of the 21st century. Among the negative effects of climate change for agriculture can be noted еру increase in average temperatures and changes in the rainfall regime, the spread of pests and pathogenic diseases of forests and crops, sharp changes in weather with the invasion of the cold/hot air masses, etc. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of environmental conditions on the efficiency of agriculture. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, leading experts in the field of ecologization and ecological assessment of agrarian production. In the course of the research the method of comparison, statistical-economic, abstract-logical, statistical, empirical and graphical methods are used. The main causes of climate change on the planet and climate changes that have been observed on the territory of Ukraine during the last decades have been investigated. According to researches, the average annual precipitation in the plain area of Ukraine ranges from 730 mm in the west to 430 mm in the south, most of which fall in the warm period of the year. The dynamics of the annual amount of precipitation in Ukraine, since 1961, has not changed much, but there is a significant decrease in the amount of precipitation in the summer and increase in autumn. According to the annual climatic water balance, six zones are allocated on the territory of Ukraine: excessively wet zone, damp zone, insufficient moisture zone, dry zone, very dry zone. In Ukraine, there is an increase in the temperature regime and a slight increase in the annual amount of precipitation, which leads to a decrease in the humidity of the country's territory. An important indicator of the natural and climatic conditions of the territory is the index of aridity, which characterizes the aridity and humidity of the region. A direct correlation between the growth of the index of aridity in the regions of Ukraine and the indicators of the efficiency of agrarian production was established. The conducted studies show a change in climatic conditions in the regions of the country, which requires revision of production technologies and the development of recommendations for their adaptation.
Key words aridity, ecologization, efficiency, natural and climatic conditions, agriculture.
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