Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

The development of the storage infrastructure of grain industry as a key condition of full value operating of the national food market

Author(s) Mudrak R.P., Doctor of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #86
pages 14-19 index UDK 631.24:633.1:338.439.5
Abstract To ensure the full value operating of the national food market the maximum allowable amount of food exports should be determined in advance. Especially it is devoted to grain, which is the basis of food security. International recognition was ginner to the theory of the balance of export of food products, this export in each individual case shall not exceed 50% of its domestic production. If the score exceeds the given rate the government loses control of the processes occurring at the national food market. Primary the state help of the is required by agricultural producers of those regions where the shortage of capacity of warehouses for grain is higher than 50% of gross harvest of grain and legumes. The average cost of building of a warehouse for grain (elevator) on January 1, 2014 was about 1000 UAH per 1 ton of stored grain. Thus, if the size of warehouses for grain must achieve their deficit of no more than 50% of the crop in the region and is within 3.995 million tons, the amount of the estimated costs will be approximately 3.9 billion UAH. Conclusions. To ensure the proper functioning of the national food market a balanced governance of food flows. Must be provided this confirms the experience of the developed countries. To achieve this goal it is necessary to accelerate the development of industrial infrastructure for agricultural producers. This can be achieved primarily through the construction of certified warehouses for grain. This will allow grain trade for the marketing year more efficiently, to increase the effectiveness of public records movement of grain production of the country, and expand the domestic market of feed for cattle breeding.
Key words food market, grain production, food balance, exports, warehouses for grain, budgetary support
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