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Theoretical Principles of Management of Marketing Activities in Insurance Business

Author(s) Prokopchuk O.T., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Penkova O. G., Doctor of Economics, ,
Kharenko A.A., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 101. Part 2
pages 120-130 index UDK 368: 339
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-120-130 (Link)
Abstract At the present stage of development of the insurance market of Ukraine, especially in times of crisis, insurers face the need to ensure efficient operation and remain competitive. The key to these processes is the use of all possible market mechanisms, among which a special place belongs to marketing. In conditions of growing competition and passive demand for insurance services, insurers should focus on the sale of insurance products, maintaining a competitive position, strengthening consumer loyalty and more. Thus, the principles of marketing become the main in the management of the insurance company. It is determined that the marketing management of insurance companies is an opportunity to organize the optimal use of its potential and maximize profits while satisfying the needs of consumers. The marketing complex of the insurance organization is a set of tools, the use of which together allows to obtain the desired response of the target market of policyholders. Thus, it should be noted that the marketing complex includes a set of tactics of the insurance organization to ensure the decision made by management to position the product in the insurance market. It is investigated that along with the marketing complex of the insurer, no less important is the concept of marketing environment. Marketing environment is a set of entities and forces operating outside and within the insurance organization, influencing the development and maintenance of marketing services profitable relationships with target policyholders. It should be noted that the marketing environment contains both threats and opportunities. It is proved that one of the most important tasks of insurance marketing is the development and promotion of new types of insurance services. There are two types of new insurance services: – the first type – (the most common option) service that was not sold by the company, but has already been sold on the market by other insurance companies; – the second type – a service that is sold on the market for the first time, has no analogues and, accordingly, no competitors for its implementation by other insurers. At this stage of development of domestic insurance activities, the use of marketing tools is very important. According to the results of the study, it is determined that marketing tools are the links that allow to create a well-functioning mechanism of the insurance organization, forming its high competitiveness. As a result, the use of marketing tools is a necessary element of the process of forming a mechanism for managing insurance companies.
Key words marketing, insurance activity, insurance organization, insurance product, insurance organization marketing service
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