Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Organization of ecologically oriented production management

Author(s) Pitel N. Y., PhD in Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Novak I., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2021 issue
pages 291-302 index UDK 005:504:338.3
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-291-302 (Link)
Abstract The article is devoted to the research of theoretical bases of organization of management of ecologically oriented production. The analysis of the financing of environmental protection measures in Ukraine shows a positive trajectory of expenditures on environmentally oriented activities during 2010–2019: total expenditures increased from UAH 13 to 44 billion, or more than 3.3 times. The structure of expenditures is dominated by own funds of enterprises (79 %), funds of state and local budgets – only 2 %. Global improvement of the environment can be achieved only through comprehensive cooperation between the state and enterprises with the support of society. Nature management can be optimized by creating a more advanced management system and introducing new efficient resource-saving technologies. Ecologically oriented activity ensures the observance by enterprises of socio-economic interests under the condition of rational use of natural resources and minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment. At the same time, sustainable economic growth and stable improvement of financial and economic performance are achieved. The system of environmental production management must be organically integrated into the long-term strategy of enterprise management. The defining priority of ecological production is the target orientation on integration and harmonization of human relations with the environment. We have defined a set of measures for the effective organization of management of environmentally oriented production of enterprises. Among them are the development of environmental policy, compliance with environmental legislation, organizational structure, analysis of indicators and development of environmental programs, formalization of hazardous processes, staff training, document management, monitoring of deviations in environmental management, data accounting, environmental audit and environmental management. Their comprehensive implementation will allow to organize and ensure effective activities that will achieve the optimal ratio of environmental and economic indicators.
Key words management, ecological management, greening of management, ecologically oriented production
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