Uman NUH | today: 07/21/2024

Nesterchuk Julia A.

Academic Status
Doctor of Economic Sciences

Professor of Economics


#PDFTitle of ArticleJournal
1 The impact of the factor of war on the domestic pig production (march—august 2022) Issue number 101. Part 2, 2022
2 MАNАGEMENT OF INNOVАTION RISKS Issue number 102. Part 2, 2023
3 The influence of cooperation on the development of the credit resources market for agricultural business entities Issue number 97. Part 2, 2020
4 Strategic role of agrarian sector in formation of competitiveness of national economy Issue 94. Part 2, 2019
5 Customs control in ensuring economic security of Ukraine Issue number 100. Part 2, 2022
6 State support of activities of entrepreneurial structures of the agricultural sector of Ukraine , 2021
7 Development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of food complex research Issue number 97. Part 2, 2020
8 Development of e-commerce in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy Issue number 100. Part 2, 2022
9 Features of information and communication technology market development Issue number 102. Part 2, 2023
10 Practical aspects of business structure as an element of financial management Issue number 104. Part 2, 2024
11 The directions of providing a financial security strategy of agricultural enterprises 88, 2016