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Marketing analysis of assortment policy of agricultural production of Ukraine

Author(s) Nevlad, V.F., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Nevlad V.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2017 issue Issue number 90. Part 2
pages 140-148 index UDK 339.138+339.13:658.628:338.439.4
Abstract Efficiency of enterprise functioning and its compatibility at the market depend not only on scope of its activity and efficiency of using resources, but also on the assortment of goods to a considerable degree. However, it cannot be also denied that trade policy of agricultural production and products of its processing are tightly connected with the situation, which is actual at the market now. The most important part of agricultural complex is grain industry that determines basis of economic safety of the country. USDA estimates that world production of grain crops is 1,98 milliard tons in 2015, 63,8 milliard tons of which, or 3.1% is Ukrainian grain. As a result, grain market is deeply integrated into the space of world trade in this segment. Investigating the market of bakery products, volume was indicated to variate within the limits of ± 7,0% from the point of view of monthly dynamics. The maximal degree was registered in October, 2015— 111.89 thousand tons, the minimal, 100.26 thousand tons, — in February, 2015. As is obvious from the foregoing, trade policy of the enterprise includes decisions towards trade nomenclature and assortment of production. The main its goals are providing profits, increase in turnover, increase of market segment, where enterprises function, reduction of terms of production and sale, increase if image and risk reduction. By the way, it is necessary for successful selection of production assortment by processing enterprises to clearly differentiate all categories of assortment policy. First, mode of production - is a final product. Second, subtypes are differentiated according to their functional possibilities, quality level and price, which are determined for particular categories of citizens. To the third, there are modifications and marks, which have subtypes. Grain farming of Ukraine is a strategic, key and the most effective industry of national agriculture. Grain and products of its processing have always been liquid, because they form food basis and basis of state safety.
Key words market, agricultural production, assortment, trade policy, grain complex, bakery products, marketing
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