1 |
UDK: ,
pages ,
downloads (58)
2 |
Nepochatenko Olena O. Bechko P.K. Kolotukha S.M. Пономаренко О. В. Нагорний В. І. |
UDK: 336.7:330.4,
pages 8-16,
downloads (128)
3 |
Prokopchuk O.T. Клименко В. О. |
Aspects of Functioning of Insurance Organizations in the Agricultural Insurance Market of Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-17-28
UDK: 368.5,
pages 17-28,
downloads (118)
4 |
Bechko P.K. Ptashnyk S. Мельник К. М. Шеін В. В. |
The role of marketing management in the prospective development of domestic banking institutions DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-28-35
UDK: 336.71:005.21,
pages 28-35,
downloads (92)
5 |
Сухецька К. В. |
Effective management of financial resources of agricultural enterprises in times of crisis DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-36-45
UDK: 005.3:338.434,
pages 36-45,
downloads (122)
6 |
Андрусяк Н. О. А. А. ОСІПОВА |
Algorithms for the study of ecological and economic competitiveness of regions DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-46-52
UDK: 332.142.6.01,
pages 46-52,
downloads (101)
7 |
Цимбалюк Ю. А. Власюк С. А. Полишвайко С. С. Драчук О. В. |
Peculiarities of lending to the agricultural sector of Ukraine under martial law DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-53-61
UDK: 336.77.067:631,
pages 53-61,
downloads (133)
8 |
Варіс І. О. Кравчук О. І. Коновалова В. Ю. |
Formation and optimization of the social and psychological climate in the staff of the organization DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-61-73
UDK: 005.32-048.34:331.101.5,
pages 61-73,
downloads (146)
9 |
Бондаренко Н. В. Холявіцька К. С. Лиманюк В. В. |
Income and expenditure of the local budget in terms of decentralization DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-74-83
UDK: 336.143.2,
pages 74-83,
downloads (103)
10 |
Яремчук В. С. |
Development of investment support for agricultural production in Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-83-94
UDK: 330.322:631.15](477) ,
pages 83-94,
downloads (76)
11 |
Грабек Я. А. |
Methodological aspects of the formation of the value chain in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-95-107
UDK: 001.891:330.143.2:338.43(477),
pages 95-107,
downloads (98)
12 |
Шпичко Д. О. |
Classification features of the mushroom market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-107-115
UDK: 339.146-028.67:635.8 ,
pages 107-115,
downloads (94)
13 |
Mudrak R.P. Андрусяк Н. О. |
Risks of social sustainability of agricultural production of Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-116-131
UDK: 330.131.7:316.422.42:338.43(477),
pages 116-131,
downloads (132)
14 |
Nesterchuk J. A. Vlasyuk S.A. Цимбалюк Ю. А. Ролінський О. В. Гуртовенко А. І. |
Practical aspects of business structure as an element of financial management DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-132-140
UDK: 658.15,
pages 132-140,
downloads (92)
15 |
Nepochatenko Olena O. Bechko P.K. Huzar B.S. Кисельов І. А. Гавриленко О. А. |
UDK: 336. 77,
pages 141-149,
downloads (99)
16 |
Бондаренко Н. В. Ulyanych Y.V. Melnyk К. М. Мігур І. О. |
Formation of anti-crisis management of financial security of banks DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-150-159
UDK: 336.717,
pages 150-159,
downloads (109)
17 |
Тимчук С. В. МАЛЮГА Л. М. Neshchadym l. M. |
Optimization of stock management through the prism of commodity science: from design to efficient use of warehouse space DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-160-168
UDK: 658.7:681.,
pages 160-168,
downloads (113)
18 |
Prokopchuk O.T. Пономаренко О. В. Гумен О. В. Мирошниченко М. М. Макарчук В. В. Ulyanych K.F. |
Consumer Behavior and Demand Transformation in the Auto Insurance Market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-169-181
UDK: 339.113,
pages 169-181,
downloads (120)
19 |
Novak I. А. А. ОСІПОВА Pitel N. Y. Альошкіна Л. П. Бондарчук М. І. |
Business plan as a tool for planning and management of the economic activities of the enterprise DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-182-190
UDK: 338.2,
pages 182-190,
downloads (118)
20 |
ЗАГОРОДНЮК О. В. Дмитрик І. О. |
The role of BPM, CRM and ERP systems in the digital transformation of Ukrainian business DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-191-201
UDK: 658.5,
pages 191-201,
downloads (151)
21 |
Соколюк С. Ю. Prokopchuk O.T. Чернега І. І. Tupchiy O.S. Zharun E. V. Коротєєв М. А. |
UDK: 331.1,
pages 202-212,
downloads (112)
22 |
Bechko P.K. Бондаренко Н. В. Vlasyuk S.A. Lysa N.V. Ptashnyk S. |
Financial forecasting of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized business entities DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-213-222
UDK: 347.7,
pages 213-222,
downloads (101)
23 |
Vlasyuk S.A. Тиховський М. І. Лебідь І. Ю. Заярна В. О. |
State financial support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine under martial law DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-223-232
UDK: 631.16:338.432,
pages 223-232,
downloads (117)
24 |
Варченко О. М. Крисанов Д. Ф. Вернюк Н. О. Герасименко І. О. Головашенко Ю. В. |
Application of cognitive approach to modeling socio-economic integration of the forced immigrants in receiving communities DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-233-254
UDK: 314.72,
pages 233-254,
downloads (158)
25 |
Пономаренко О. В. |
Consumer Behavior and Demand Transformation in the Auto Insurance Market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-254-268
UDK: 303.8,
pages 254-268,
downloads (94)
26 |
Zharun E. V. Соколюк К. Ю. Бленда Н. О. Уланчук В. І. Жарун Р. Ф. Погуляй В. М. |
Digital business transformation in the midst of war DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-269-276
UDK: 338.3:658,
pages 269-276,
downloads (136)
27 |
Bechko P.K. Vlasyuk S.A. Kolotukha S.M. Huzar B.S. Lysa N.V. |
Bank loans to agricultural entities under martial law DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-277-284
UDK: 631.162,
pages 277-284,
downloads (109)
28 |
Nepochatenko Olena O. Бондаренко Н. В. Грицак О. І. |
Transformation of the credit market of Ukraine in the crisis period DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-285-296
UDK: 336.771.22:339.17,
pages 285-296,
downloads (85)
29 |
ЗАГОРОДНЮК О. В. Горбатюк М. І. Длугоборська Л. В. |
Theoretical principles of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in modern conditions DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-297-307
UDK: 338.24.021.8,
pages 297-307,
downloads (120)
30 |
Костюк В. С. А. А. ОСІПОВА Сидоренко О. С. |
The principle of the unity of centralised and decentralised principles in the formation and implementation of social policy DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-308-317
UDK: 316.4 ,
pages 308-317,
downloads (106)
31 |
Revutskaya A. Smoliy L.V. |
Strategy of the circular model of business development management: risks and prospects for Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-317-323
UDK: 658.567:338.1 (292.4),
pages 317-323,
downloads (102)
32 |
Pitel N. Y. Novak I. Альошкіна Л. П. Халахур Ю. Л. |
The development of international management in the context of assessing the possibilities of Ukrainian business integration into the EU internal market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-324-337
UDK: 005(100):334.72(477):332.135(061),
pages 324-337,
downloads (153)
33 |
Бондаренко Н. В. Мігур І. О. Лиманюк В. В. Грицак О. І. Заярна К. О. |
The role of monetary policy instruments in regulating the Ukrainian economy DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-338-352
UDK: 336.143.2,
pages 338-352,
downloads (114)
34 |
Ulyanych Y.V. Бондаренко Н. В. Дяченко М. О. Ulyanych K.F. |
Features and directions of implementation Of information technologies in modern conditions DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-352-357
UDK: 3365:007.005.1,
pages 352-357,
downloads (96)
35 |
Vlasyuk S.A. Ролінський О. В. Ясінський О. Р. |
Features of financial risk insurance in modern conditions DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-358-367
UDK: 330.3:368,
pages 358-367,
downloads (104)
36 |
Smoliy L.V. Рябокучма В. С. Штельмах О. В. |
Analysis of migration processes: risks for Ukrainian agriculture DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-367-374
UDK: 338.1: 577.41,
pages 367-374,
downloads (83)
37 |
Bechko P.K. Huzar B.S. Kolotukha S.M. Lysa N.V. Ptashnyk S. |
Essence and development directions of modern financial management of the domestic agricultural industry DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-375-382
UDK: 336.01,
pages 375-382,
downloads (109)
38 |
Соколюк С. Ю. Бленда Н. О. Чернега І. І. Zharun E. V. Коротєєв М. А. Майданюк Р. П. |
The global world crisis of 2020-2023 and its impact on the activities of business structures DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-383-391
UDK: 339.9 : 338.124.4 ,
pages 383-391,
downloads (120)
39 |
А. А. ОСІПОВА Novak I. Revutskaya A. |
Development of a strategic business plan and project management for sustainable development of the enterprise DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-391-404
UDK: 658.012,
pages 391-404,
downloads (132)