Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Analysis of migration processes: risks for Ukrainian agriculture

Author(s) Smoliy L.V., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, ,
Рябокучма В. С., , ,
Штельмах О. В., , ,
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 2
pages 367-374 index UDK 338.1: 577.41
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-367-374 (Link)
Abstract Industrialisation and modernisation have significantly changed agriculture, making it more technological and efficient. This has led to a significant increase in production, but also to a disturbance in the ecological balance, a reduction in employment in the sector and migration from rural areas. Therefore, the issue of further modernisation of the agricultural sector in line with the concept of sustainable development is extremely relevant. Modernisation of the agricultural sector is an ongoing process that involves the introduction of new technologies, increasing production efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment. There are five components of agricultural modernisation: biological, technical, technological, organisational and socio-economic development. The development of agriculture based on an intensive model faces barriers related to the limited natural resources and the ability of the environment to withstand anthropogenic impact. Growing environmental and socio-cultural risks have led to the search for sustainable farming systems. The concept of sustainable agriculture involves achieving three types of balance: economic, environmental and social. Modernisation of the agricultural sector should maintain a balance between these three goals. It is expected that modernisation of agriculture will ensure increased productivity without creating environmental risks; reduced rural poverty; food security; increased profitability of farms; efficient use of natural resources; maximum use of local labour resources; minimisation of agricultural waste; increased value added by agricultural producers; promotion of entrepreneurship in rural areas. The need for sustainable development is motivated not only by dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, but also by the benefits of introducing environmentally friendly technologies. Modernisation of the agricultural sector in line with the concept of sustainable development is a key factor in ensuring food security, preserving the environment and improving the lives of people in rural areas. This is a complex process that requires a comprehensive approach, including the introduction of new technologies, the development of science, the promotion of entrepreneurship and adaptation to local conditions
Key words agricultural sector of the economy, modernisation, intensification, sustainable development, innovation, development, agriculture, economy
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