1 |
Vakulenko P.I. |
Selection of monograin high-sugar pollinators-fixers of sugar beet sterility
UDK: 633.63:631.52:575.125,
pages 185-189,
downloads (801)
2 |
Chapovalenko O.I. Ulyanych I.F. |
Effect of different concentrations of vegetable components on the process of extrusion of corn
UDK: 664.784:935.1.001.73,
pages 179-185,
downloads (1250)
3 |
Stelmakh A.F. |
Genetic studies at PBGI-NCSCI from “lysenkoism” to nowadays.
UDK: 595.631.52,
pages 171-178,
downloads (931)
4 |
Svitovyy V. Herkіyal O.M. Krupskaya V. Danylenko О. |
Estimation of quality of cleaning of the humus matters by means of FTIR spectroscopy.
UDK: 543.054:543.421/424 ,
pages 167-171,
downloads (1134)
5 |
Ninieva A. K. |
Breeding value of spelt in the conditions of eastern part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
UDK: 633. 111. 5,
pages 159-166,
downloads (720)
6 |
Nedvyha N.V. Halasun Yu.P. |
Evaluation of potential capacity of podzolized black soil to aggregation in durable application of fertilizers in field rotation
UDK: 631.434 ,
pages 153-159,
downloads (711)
7 |
Kornienko S.I. Gorovaya T.K. Mitenko I.N. Stovbir O.P. |
The use of the effect of a heterosis in breeding of a table beet
UDK: 631.527.5:631.527:635.11,
pages 146-152,
downloads (1244)
8 |
Korneeva M.O. Маtsuк М.B. Chемеrys L.N. Nаvrоtsка Е.E. |
Variability of combinational ability for productivity of pollinators for the selection of triploid hybrids with adaptive potential
UDK: 633.63:631.52,
pages 140-145,
downloads (734)
9 |
Bohulska C. V. |
Agrobacterial transformation of spring rape without phase of regeneration in vitro
UDK: 631.147:633.85,
pages 135-139,
downloads (1310)
10 |
Vorobyova N.V. |
Yield of early ripened potato depending on the application of plant growth regulators
UDK: 635.21:635 – 1/ – 2,
pages 130-135,
downloads (826)
11 |
Zhuk O.Y. Zhuk V.E. |
Features of seeds produce of decorative kale.
UDK: 631.53.01:635.34:635.9,
pages 125-130,
downloads (774)
12 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Ptashnyk M.M. |
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on productivity of winter rye on ashed black soil
UDK: 633.14:631.55:631.84,
pages 120-125,
downloads (1098)
13 |
Kucherenko E.P. Sabluk V.T. |
Causative agents of gray rot and peculiar properties of their development of the long-term storage of roots of sugar beet
UDK: 63.4:632.4.01/.08,
pages 113-119,
downloads (959)
14 |
L.M. Karpuk |
The placement uniformity, the characteristics of sugar beet growth and development depending on the density of plantings
UDK: 633.63:631.,
pages 107-112,
downloads (905)
15 |
Karnaukh O.B. |
Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of spring barley under various tillage operations
UDK: 633.16:631.153.3,
pages 100-106,
downloads (1354)
16 |
Pyzhyanova A.A. Balabak A.F. |
Introduction and perspectives of growing varieties of Highbush blueberry in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe
UDK: 582.688.3: 631.535:634.1,
pages 94-100,
downloads (1142)
17 |
Cherednichenko V.M. |
Yield and quality of cauliflower production depending on the size of cell and age of seedlings under the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
UDK: 635.35:631.559(477 – 292.485),
pages 88-93,
downloads (1050)
18 |
Sichkar A.A. Vyshnevska L.V. Savranska L.M. Chetyrko S.A. |
Formation of alfalfa productivity for green fodder depending on loosening of soil in grass density during the third year of usage
UDK: 633.2.033,
pages 83-88,
downloads (1232)
19 |
Furmanets M.H. |
Productivity of spiked grain crops in short-term crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe
UDK: 631.559:633.1.631.582,
pages 79-83,
downloads (924)
20 |
Usyk S.V. |
Reserve of available moisture under sowing of sugar-beets during saturation of short-term crop rotation with different grains of fodder crops
UDK: 631.582:631.423.2,
pages 74-79,
downloads (759)
21 |
Fomenko L.A. |
A comparison of the biochemical parameters of winter triticale hybrid offsprins of the second generation with the parent form
UDK: 633.112,
pages 67-74,
downloads (949)
22 |
Nenka O.V. Korneeva M.O. Boyko I.I. Andreeva L.S. Krotyuk L.A. |
Manifastation of yielding capacity of single-cross sterile hybrids of sugar beets depending on genotype and feeding area
UDK: 633.63.631.52,
pages 61-67,
downloads (726)
23 |
Pariy F.N. Ryabovol Y.S. |
Creating of sterility fixers of winter rye CMS system of Ratra type
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14,
pages 57-61,
downloads (1260)
24 |
Hrytsaenko Z.M. Voloshyna L. |
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria of winter wheat rhizosphere depending on the influence of biologically active substances against different predecessers
UDK: 579.841.2:633.111:632.954:631.811.98,
pages 51-56,
downloads (881)
25 |
Polishchuk V.V. |
Study on economic character and germination ability of seeds of many-seeded pollinator of sugar beet under low temperatures
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02,
pages 46-50,
downloads (684)
26 |
Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I. |
Contamination of millet by using various kinds of herbicides and their tank mixtures
UDK: 633.631.526.32,
pages 37-46,
downloads (1328)
27 |
Poltoretskiy S.P. |
Features of the formation of the density of stalks of seed crops of millet varieties, depending on the period and method of sowing in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe
UDK: 631.53.01:633.17(477.46),
pages 29-37,
downloads (874)
28 |
Kozubenko O.S. Kostohryz P.V. |
Moisture supply of sugar beet plants, spring barley and maize under different primary tillage in crop rotation
UDK: 631.51.021:631.423.2,
pages 23-29,
downloads (1091)
29 |
Zamorska I.L. Zamorskyi V.V. |
Phenolic substances in strawberries
UDK: 634.75:577.1,
pages 18-23,
downloads (1105)
30 |
Prytulyak R.M. Chernega A. |
The content of protein and gluten in triticale winter seed when using biologically active substances
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.19,
pages 14-18,
downloads (790)
31 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Eshchenko N.B. |
Yields of winter wheat on the Right-bank Forest-steppe podzolized black soil according to the different types and rates of fertilizer and their payback
UDK: 631.8:631.582:631.445.4(477.46),
pages 8-14,
downloads (1309)