Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Issue #82, 2013

1 Vakulenko P.I. Selection of monograin high-sugar pollinators-fixers of sugar beet sterility
UDK: 633.63:631.52:575.125, pages 185-189, downloads (801)
2 Chapovalenko O.I.
Ulyanych I.F.
Effect of different concentrations of vegetable components on the process of extrusion of corn
UDK: 664.784:935.1.001.73, pages 179-185, downloads (1250)
3 Stelmakh A.F. Genetic studies at PBGI-NCSCI from “lysenkoism” to nowadays.
UDK: 595.631.52, pages 171-178, downloads (931)
4 Svitovyy V.
Herkіyal O.M.
Krupskaya V.
Danylenko О.
Estimation of quality of cleaning of the humus matters by means of FTIR spectroscopy.
UDK: 543.054:543.421/424 , pages 167-171, downloads (1134)
5 Ninieva A. K. Breeding value of spelt in the conditions of eastern part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
UDK: 633. 111. 5, pages 159-166, downloads (720)
6 Nedvyha N.V.
Halasun Yu.P.
Evaluation of potential capacity of podzolized black soil to aggregation in durable application of fertilizers in field rotation
UDK: 631.434 , pages 153-159, downloads (711)
7 Kornienko S.I.
Gorovaya T.K.
Mitenko I.N.
Stovbir O.P.
The use of the effect of a heterosis in breeding of a table beet
UDK: 631.527.5:631.527:635.11, pages 146-152, downloads (1244)
8 Korneeva M.O.
Маtsuк М.B.
Chемеrys L.N.
Nаvrоtsка Е.E.
Variability of combinational ability for productivity of pollinators for the selection of triploid hybrids with adaptive potential
UDK: 633.63:631.52, pages 140-145, downloads (734)
9 Bohulska C. V. Agrobacterial transformation of spring rape without phase of regeneration in vitro
UDK: 631.147:633.85, pages 135-139, downloads (1310)
10 Vorobyova N.V. Yield of early ripened potato depending on the application of plant growth regulators
UDK: 635.21:635 – 1/ – 2, pages 130-135, downloads (826)
11 Zhuk O.Y.
Zhuk V.E.
Features of seeds produce of decorative kale.
UDK: 631.53.01:635.34:635.9, pages 125-130, downloads (774)
12 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ptashnyk M.M.
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on productivity of winter rye on ashed black soil
UDK: 633.14:631.55:631.84, pages 120-125, downloads (1098)
13 Kucherenko E.P.
Sabluk V.T.
Causative agents of gray rot and peculiar properties of their development of the long-term storage of roots of sugar beet
UDK: 63.4:632.4.01/.08, pages 113-119, downloads (959)
14 L.M. Karpuk The placement uniformity, the characteristics of sugar beet growth and development depending on the density of plantings
UDK: 633.63:631., pages 107-112, downloads (905)
15 Karnaukh O.B. Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of spring barley under various tillage operations
UDK: 633.16:631.153.3, pages 100-106, downloads (1354)
16 Pyzhyanova A.A.
Balabak A.F.
Introduction and perspectives of growing varieties of Highbush blueberry in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe
UDK: 582.688.3: 631.535:634.1, pages 94-100, downloads (1142)
17 Cherednichenko V.M. Yield and quality of cauliflower production depending on the size of cell and age of seedlings under the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
UDK: 635.35:631.559(477 – 292.485), pages 88-93, downloads (1050)
18 Sichkar A.A.
Vyshnevska L.V.
Savranska L.M.
Chetyrko S.A.
Formation of alfalfa productivity for green fodder depending on loosening of soil in grass density during the third year of usage
UDK: 633.2.033, pages 83-88, downloads (1232)
19 Furmanets M.H. Productivity of spiked grain crops in short-term crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe
UDK: 631.559:633.1.631.582, pages 79-83, downloads (924)
20 Usyk S.V. Reserve of available moisture under sowing of sugar-beets during saturation of short-term crop rotation with different grains of fodder crops
UDK: 631.582:631.423.2, pages 74-79, downloads (759)
21 Fomenko L.A. A comparison of the biochemical parameters of winter triticale hybrid offsprins of the second generation with the parent form
UDK: 633.112, pages 67-74, downloads (949)
22 Nenka O.V.
Korneeva M.O.
Boyko I.I.
Andreeva L.S.
Krotyuk L.A.
Manifastation of yielding capacity of single-cross sterile hybrids of sugar beets depending on genotype and feeding area
UDK: 633.63.631.52, pages 61-67, downloads (726)
23 Pariy F.N.
Ryabovol Y.S.
Creating of sterility fixers of winter rye CMS system of Ratra type
UDK: 631.527.581.143:633.14, pages 57-61, downloads (1260)
24 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Voloshyna L.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria of winter wheat rhizosphere depending on the influence of biologically active substances against different predecessers
UDK: 579.841.2:633.111:632.954:631.811.98, pages 51-56, downloads (881)
25 Polishchuk V.V. Study on economic character and germination ability of seeds of many-seeded pollinator of sugar beet under low temperatures
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02, pages 46-50, downloads (684)
26 Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I. Contamination of millet by using various kinds of herbicides and their tank mixtures
UDK: 633.631.526.32, pages 37-46, downloads (1328)
27 Poltoretskiy S.P. Features of the formation of the density of stalks of seed crops of millet varieties, depending on the period and method of sowing in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe
UDK: 631.53.01:633.17(477.46), pages 29-37, downloads (874)
28 Kozubenko O.S.
Kostohryz P.V.
Moisture supply of sugar beet plants, spring barley and maize under different primary tillage in crop rotation
UDK: 631.51.021:631.423.2, pages 23-29, downloads (1091)
29 Zamorska I.L.
Zamorskyi V.V.
Phenolic substances in strawberries
UDK: 634.75:577.1, pages 18-23, downloads (1105)
30 Prytulyak R.M.
Chernega A.
The content of protein and gluten in triticale winter seed when using biologically active substances
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.19, pages 14-18, downloads (790)
31 Hospodarenko G.M.
Eshchenko N.B.
Yields of winter wheat on the Right-bank Forest-steppe podzolized black soil according to the different types and rates of fertilizer and their payback
UDK: 631.8:631.582:631.445.4(477.46), pages 8-14, downloads (1309)