1 |
Титульна сторінка
UDK: ,
pages ,
downloads (24)
2 |
UDK: ,
pages ,
downloads (32)
3 |
Nepochatenko Olena O. Prokopchuk O.T. Malyovanyi M. |
Development of the Insurance Market of Ukraine in the Context of Modern Challenges DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-7-16
UDK: 368,
pages 7-16,
downloads (90)
4 |
Bechko P.K. Lysa N.V. Пономаренко О. В. Трушевський О. О. |
Agricultural insurance in the context of sustainable agricultural development in Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-17-26
UDK: 338.4:631.1 ,
pages 17-26,
downloads (84)
5 |
Mudrak R.P. |
Disproportionality of global economic development DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-27-40
UDK: 330.368:330.34-027.511,
pages 27-40,
downloads (60)
6 |
Грабек Я. А. |
Processing industry of Ukraine: state and main factors of influence DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-41-51
UDK: 338.45(477):338.23:338.439.4,
pages 41-51,
downloads (61)
7 |
Декарчук В. В. |
Production of agrarian products under martial law DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-52-62
UDK: 338.432(477):355.01(470+477)''20,
pages 52-62,
downloads (56)
8 |
Соколюк С. Ю. Prokopchuk O.T. Zharun E. V. Коротєєв М. А. Максименко С. М. |
Digital Solutions and Innovative Approaches in the Field of Social Security DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-63-73
UDK: 364,
pages 63-73,
downloads (62)
9 |
Neshchadym l. M. Тимчук С. В. МАЛЮГА Л. М. |
Factors of ecological diversification in activity of hotel and restaurant enterprises DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-74-83
UDK: 338.48:640.4,
pages 74-83,
downloads (72)
10 |
Дрозд В. О. |
The Development of the Institutional Environment for Agricultural Insurance in Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-84-93
UDK: 338.4:631.1,
pages 84-93,
downloads (78)
11 |
Мусієнко С. І. Клименко Л. В. |
Optimization of methods of managerial decision-making by domestic producers in foreign economic activity DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-94-105
UDK: 65.012.4:339.9:658,
pages 94-105,
downloads (67)
12 |
Prokopchuk O.T. Харенко А. О. Гумен О. В. Мирошниченко М. М. Клименко В. О. Жарун Р. Ф. |
Digital Transformations and Innovative Solutions in the Ukrainian Insurance Market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-106-115
UDK: 368,
pages 106-115,
downloads (88)
13 |
Bechko P.K. Бондаренко Н. В. Мігур І. О. Лиманюк В. В. Демчук В. М. |
Sources of financing for the agricultural sector in the context of military conflict DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-116-131
UDK: 338.43: 339.137.2 (477),
pages 116-131,
downloads (71)
14 |
Тимчук С. В. Neshchadym l. M. |
The impact of insight tour operating on managing the sustainable development of regional tourism in Ukraine’s recovery process DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-132-141
UDK: 338.48:338.27(477),
pages 132-141,
downloads (68)
15 |
Barabash L.V. Щербань С. А. |
Prospective directions of the development of the tax system of Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-141-149
UDK: 336.221.4 (477),
pages 141-149,
downloads (51)
16 |
Пономаренко О. В. Ясінський О. Р. |
Optimization of insurance portfolio in the face of current financial challenges DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-150-162
UDK: 368.021,
pages 150-162,
downloads (71)
17 |
Клименко Л. В. Радченя О. М. |
Innovative strategies for the development of Ukrainian agribusiness in the postwar period DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-163-175
UDK: 631.1:338.43:330.341.1(477),
pages 163-175,
downloads (69)
18 |
Соколюк С. Ю. Zharun E. V. Бленда Н. О. Чернега І. І. Дріга А. С. Уланчук В. І. |
Digital Strategies For The Agri-Industry Sector Based On Philip Kotler's 4p (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) Concept DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-176-186
UDK: 631.17.001,
pages 176-186,
downloads (112)
19 |
Ulyanych Y.V. Ulyanych K.F. Цимбалюк Ю. А. Huzar B.S. Дяченко М. О. |
UDK: 3365: 33. 347.7 336.1,
pages 186-192,
downloads (69)
20 |
Bechko P.K. Vlasyuk S.A. Мельник К. М. Шеін В. В. |
Concept of development of the national banking services market DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-192-203
UDK: 336.77,
pages 192-203,
downloads (48)
21 |
Савчук І. І. |
Functions of the financial market in the conditions of the transformation of the economic environment of Ukraine DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-204-211
UDK: 336.7,
pages 204-211,
downloads (70)
22 |
Revutskaya A. Froter O.S. Непочатенко З. В. |
Circular economy strategy as a tool for stabilization and sustainable development of Ukrainian agribusiness in the face of uncertainty DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-211-219
UDK: 332.1: 339.9: 338.43,
pages 211-219,
downloads (83)
23 |
Prokopchuk O.T. Соколюк С. Ю. |
Social Advertising in the System of public Communications DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-220-230
UDK: 364. 659,
pages 220-230,
downloads (69)
24 |
А. А. ОСІПОВА Froter O.S. Kostyuk W. S. Гончаренко І. В. Сидоренко О. С. |
Development of Rural Entrepreneurship as a Priority of State Social Policy DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-231-242
UDK: 332.146.2,
pages 231-242,
downloads (111)
25 |
МОСТОВ’ЯК М. І. Смолій В. О. |
Export agricultural specialization of Ukraine: assessment and strategic priorities DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-242-253
UDK: 339.56,
pages 242-253,
downloads (67)
26 |
Bechko P.K. Kolotukha S.M. Ptashnyk S. Гавриленко О. А. |
Priority areas of lending of agricultural business subjects DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-254-263
UDK: 631.162:338.434,
pages 254-263,
downloads (64)
27 |
Цимбалюк Ю. А. Власюк С. А. Nepochatenko E.A. Драчук О. В. Лебідь І. Ю. |
Problem aspects of investment activities realization in the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-264-283
UDK: 346.543:338.432 (477),
pages 264-271,
downloads (101)
28 |
Головашенко Ю. В. |
Foreign experience in managing the development of social infrastructure in rural areas DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-271-281
UDK: 330.342.146:005.336.4-027.63:332.122(1-22),
pages 271-281,
downloads (99)
29 |
Вернюк Н. О. Декарчук В. В. Дмитрик І. О. |
Іntroduction of innovative methods of enterprise management as a tool for crisis management DOI: 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-2-282-291
UDK: 005.931,
pages 282-291,
downloads (90)