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Титульна сторінка
UDK: ,
pages 0,
downloads (270)
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UDK: ,
pages ,
downloads (262)
3 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Novak Y.W. Rassadina I.Y. |
Removing of main fertilizer elements by the false flax depending on fertilizers
UDK: 633.85:631.8,
pages 7-13,
downloads (931)
4 |
Lutak I.A. Shapoval A.V. |
Yield and sowing qualities of spring wheat seeds depending on the fractional composition of seeds and fertilizers
UDK: 633.11: 631.559: 631.53.01,
pages 13-21,
downloads (413)
5 |
Rarok A. V. Bilonozhko V. Y. Poltoretskiy S.P. |
Theoretical bases of forming highly productive crops of buckwheat
UDK: 631.5:633.12,
pages 21-29,
downloads (698)
6 |
Ryabovol Y.S. Ryabovol L.O. |
The characteristics of winter soft wheat samples concerning winter hardiness
UDK: 633.11:631.527,
pages 29-37,
downloads (681)
7 |
Sliusar I.T. Yezerkovskyi A.V. |
Cultivation of winter rye in the organic production on drained drag turf-gley soil
UDK: 631.14:631.51,
pages 37-43,
downloads (901)
8 |
Eshchenko V.O. |
The field crop rotations in Ukraine: should they be long- or short-term rotary?
UDK: 631.582 : 631.153.3,
pages 43-49,
downloads (654)
9 |
Dubin A.M. Vasylenko O.V. |
Ecological monitoring of the soil pollution in the area of livestock breeding complex
UDK: 504.064.3:504.53:502.58:636,
pages 49-56,
downloads (1003)
10 |
Zamorskyi V.V. Zamorska I.L. |
Formation of quality of strawberries depending on weather conditions and variety
UDK: 634.75:631.961,
pages 56-63,
downloads (772)
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Balabak O.A. Lubych V.V. |
Technological evaluation of filbert oil depending on the variety
UDK: 634.54:631.559,
pages 63-69,
downloads (615)
12 |
Kluchevich М.М. |
Impact of plant growth regulators on the development of fungal infections and productivity of winter triticale under conditions of Polissia
UDK: 633.1:632.4:631.811.98:632.952(477.41/42),
pages 69-79,
downloads (587)
13 |
Krykunov I. V. Kravets І.S. |
Biological and ecological features of a thorn butterfly (Aporia crataegi L.) in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
UDK: 632.78,
pages 79-87,
downloads (722)
14 |
Makarchuk M.O. |
Productivity and adaptive capacity of maize hybrids under different soil-climatic conditions
UDK: 575.826:631.555,
pages 87-96,
downloads (512)
15 |
Osokina N.M. Kostetska K.V. Herasymchuk O.P. Yevchuk Y.V. |
Physical and mechanical properties and quality indicator of corn
UDK: 664.788:633.11,
pages 96-103,
downloads (780)
16 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Prokopchuk I.V. Krivda Y.I. |
The content and balance of trace elements and heavy metals in the soil after a long application of fertilizers in the crop rotation
UDK: 631.81.095.337,
pages 103-113,
downloads (1059)
17 |
Malijenko A.M. Borіs N.E. |
Influence of the basic soil tillage methods and sideline products of the predecessor on the bulk density in a crop rotation
UDK: 631.51:631.572+43.633.1,
pages 113-125,
downloads (698)
18 |
Trush S.G. Parfeniuk O. |
Creation and assessment of sugar beet hybrid materials by the root crop shape
UDK: 631.527:633.63,
pages 125-135,
downloads (938)
19 |
Valetskaya O.V. Koliada O.V. Gavryliuk V.A. |
Agrochemical effectiveness of modern soybean fertilizer systems
UDK: 631.861: 631.81.036,
pages 135-143,
downloads (553)
20 |
Holodryga O.V. Leontiuk I.B. Rozborska L.V. Zabolotnyy O.I. |
Yield of soybean crops under Desilet herbicide application followed by seed treatment with Biolan plant growth regulator and Ryzobofit bacterial preparation
UDK: 632.954:633.34:631.811.98,
pages 143-151,
downloads (559)
21 |
Lubych V.V. |
The biological value of spelt wheat protein depending on the variety and line
UDK: 665.939.4:633.11,
pages 151-159,
downloads (536)
22 |
Knignitskaya L.Р. |
Weediness of fiber flax crops under conditions of Subcarpathia
UDK: 633.521:631.4(477.86),
pages 159-167,
downloads (606)
23 |
Krotik A.S. |
Influence of elements of agricultural technologies on the formation of the area of black currant leaves
UDK: 631.559:634.723:631.4:631.81,
pages 167-176,
downloads (513)
24 |
Gavrish S.L. Vaschenko V.V. |
Terms of summer sowing of sainfoin under conditions of high temperature and soil
UDK: 633.361,
pages 176-185,
downloads (606)
25 |
Lavrenko S.O. Maksimov M.V. |
Photosynthesis potential of lentil sowing depending on technological methods of cultivation
UDK: 635.658: 631.6,
pages 185-191,
downloads (796)
26 |
Polishchuk V.V. Balabak A.F. Velychko Y.A. Varlashchenko L. H. |
Historical aspects of selection and genetic improvement of rose varieties
UDK: 631.526.3:582.711.712.(091),
pages 191-199,
downloads (738)
27 |
Polianetska I.О. |
Productivity of spelt hybrids F2-F4, Triticum aestivum L. / Triticum spelta L.
UDK: 633.527 + 631.52:633.111,
pages 199-206,
downloads (471)
28 |
Mynzul A.N. Khrenovskov E.I. |
Improvement of introduced clones of Sauvignon Green variety in the south of Ukraine
UDK: 634.862:634.1:631.527:634.1.004.12(477.7),
pages 206-214,
downloads (482)
29 |
Pelekhataya N.P. Pelekhatyi V.N. |
Efficiency of reproduction of UUPROZ-6 rootstock with green cuttings during processing by β-indolebutyric acid
UDK: 634.10:631.541.11:631.811.98,
pages 214-221,
downloads (802)
30 |
Berezovskyi A.P. Bilonozhko V. Y. |
Simulation of hazardous and harmful factors in the harvesting of millet seed
UDK: 331.452: 633.12,
pages 221-229,
downloads (683)
31 |
Poberezhets I.I. Poberezhets V.I. Poberezhets I.I. |
Electrical conductivity of apple and grape juices
UDK: 537.226.1,
pages 229-236,
downloads (937)
32 |
Bazalii V.V. Boichuk І.V. Babenko D.V. |
Features of yield formation of soft wheat varieties of different types of development under the conditions of the Southern Steppe
UDK: 633.111; 631.27,
pages 236-242,
downloads (804)
33 |
Tsytsiura Ya.H. |
Dynamics of colonization of the agrocenosis of the oil radish by insect pests in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
UDK: 633.853.483+638.937.1,
pages 242-251,
downloads (571)
34 |
Sonko S.P. Dubin A.M. Vasylenko O.V. |
90 years since the founding of Department of Livestock Production
UDK: 378:636(091),
pages 251-258,
downloads (726)
35 |
Остання сторінка
UDK: ,
pages ,
downloads (310)