Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Formation of quality of strawberries depending on weather conditions and variety

Author(s) Zamorskyi V.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Zamorska I.L., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
year 2016 issue 89
pages 56-63 index UDK 634.75:631.961
Abstract It was found that the initial stages of morphogenesis of different varieties of strawberries were almost simultaneous. Only the beginning of the calyx formation of the Honey variety was speeded up, the difference was nine days. The earliest occurrence of sepals and beginning of formation of petals was recorded in the Honey variety, a little later (ten days) – in the Istochnik variety and later the Polka variety. The study of occurrence of anthers in hautbois inflorescences showed that they were first formed of the Honey variety, the following was the Istochnik variety and later the Polka variety. The formation of the flower parts of the Honey variety occurred at the beginning of October and speaking about the Istochnik and Polka varieties it was in the second half of October. Studies of the impact of agro-climatic indicators on the beginning of economic maturity of strawberries showed that the beginning of ripening strawberries was observed in the third decade of May or early June and essentially depends on the weather conditions of the year and timing of maturation of varieties. According to the results, it is necessary for maturing of early varieties of strawberries: the sum of effective temperatures is above 5°C at the level of 486.2-651.1°C (on average 568.6°C), the sum of effective temperatures is above 10°C at the level of 214.0 - 347 4°C (on average 280.7°C) and the sum of active temperatures 606.4- 893.3°C (on average 749.9°C). Mid-ripening and late varieties of strawberries ripen at the accumulation of the sum of effective temperatures above 5°C – 590.2-800.3°C (on average 695.3°C), the sum of effective temperatures above 10°C – 268.0-442.4°C (on average 355.2°C) and the sum of active temperatures 809.0 -1092.5°C (on average 950.8°C). The rainfall in the third decade of May had considerable fluctuations (V = 101.6) and ranged from 0.3 to 57 mm (on average 17.6 mm) and in the first decade of June the coefficient of rainfall variation was 74.8 and their amount was at the level of 1.6-41.6 mm (on average 16.1 mm). However, the beginning of economic maturity of strawberries is not significantly dependent on the rainfall during this period.
Key words strawberries, morphogenesis, agro-climatic conditions.
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