Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Issue number 83, part 1, 2013

1 Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I.
Dudka D.V.
History of breedeng achievements of Ukraine with fruit crops and the results of variety testing
UDK: 582.734.3:575.86, pages 177-181, downloads (772)
UDK: 633.63.631.531.12, pages 172-177, downloads (443)
3 Novak A. Agro-meteorological conditions for 2011 – 2012 crop year for major field crops
UDK: 551.515631.559, pages 168-172, downloads (680)
4 Korneeva M.O.
Nenka O.V.
Genetic value of sugar beet pollinators of uman selection as to sugar content and their phenotypic display in topcrossed F1 hybrids
UDK: 633.63.631.52, pages 162-168, downloads (416)
5 Zozulya O. V.
Ryabovol L.O.
Lyubchenko A.I.
Use of haploidy in creation of source material of rape
UDK: 633.8:631.527, pages 154-162, downloads (893)
6 Zinchenko O.I.
Chetyrko S.A.
UDK: 631.5, pages 145-154, downloads (685)
7 Eiges N.S.
Volchenko G.A.
Volchenko S.G.
Resistance to phytopathogens obtained using the method of chemical mutagenesis on winter wheat
UDK: 631.528.2.23.582.28, pages 135-145, downloads (455)
8 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ткаченко І.Ю.
Features of spelt wheat fertilizing by nitrogen fertilizers
UDK: 633.11:631.814, pages 127-135, downloads (728)
9 Chekanova А. Reaction of maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types
UDK: 631.527:633.15, pages 122-127, downloads (690)
10 Подгаєцький А.А.
Kravchenko N.V.
Potential of potato interspecific hybrids by the ability to tie marketable tubers
UDK: 635.21:631.5, pages 116-122, downloads (822)
11 Perfilyeva L.P. Cytoembryological peculiarities of aneuploids in the population of tetraploid forms of sugar beet as a source of genetically renewed materials
UDK: 633.63:581.3, pages 110-116, downloads (266)
12 Lukyanyuk N.A.
Ostanin A.V.
The influence of methods of soil basic preparation, type of mulch and norms of nitrogen fertilizer on the diffusion of sugar beet root rot during the growing season
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12 , pages 107-110, downloads (250)
13 Kopytko P.G.
Yakovenko R.V.
Petryshyna I.P.
Research on optimization of mineral nutrition of pear plantation
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82/.85.001.26 (477.46), pages 101-107, downloads (788)
14 Herkіyal O.M. The influence of fertilizer application system in the field crop rotation on certain physical and chemical properties of podzolized black soil
UDK: 631.81:631.582:631.445.4, pages 63-101, downloads (794)
15 Zhuk O.Y.
Fedosiy I.A.
The variability of morphological features in Savoy cabbage
UDK: 635.343:517.951, pages 89-93, downloads (766)
16 Duskabilova Т.I.
Duskabilov Т.
The mobilization of genetic resources of horticultural crops in the South of Central Siberia
UDK: 634.2:631.526, pages 84-89, downloads (309)
17 Borysenko V.V. Leaf area and photosynthetic potential of the sunflower crops depending on the conditions of cultivation
UDK: 581.132:633.85:631.5, pages 79-84, downloads (1313)
18 Abramovich I.K. Influence of microelements and fungicides on the storage of roots in clamps
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12, pages 75-79, downloads (404)
19 Kirienko A.S. The effectiveness of fertilizer in cultivation technology of malting barley in Western Steppe
UDK: 631.816; 631.87, pages 70-75, downloads (669)
20 Ivanovа T.V.
Melnychuk M.D.
Antipov I.A.
Grynchuk К.V.
Diagnosis and PCR identification of mushrooms MVX mikovirus (Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge) Imbach)
UDK: 632.38:577.213/.216:635.82, pages 63-70, downloads (871)
21 Pariy M.F.
Pariy Y.F.
Pariy F.N.
Control of alleles of sterility gene in maize breeding of sterile forms on the basis of two gene of male sterility and the marker gene.
UDK: 633.15:575.224, pages 56-63, downloads (320)
22 Rozhkov A. A. The composition and the ratio of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of spring triticale depending on fertilizing crops with urea and micro fertilizers.
UDK: [631.559:633.11:631.5], pages 49-56, downloads (570)
23 Tereshchenko Y.F.
Ulich L.I.
Formation of high-yield crops of soft winter wheat
UDK: 631.58:633.111, pages 44-49, downloads (987)
24 Osokina N.M.
Kostetska K.V.
Physical and thermophysical properties of fruit green-stuffs depending on sort and degree of ripeness
UDK: 57.018.4:635.64:631.526.3:631.547.6, pages 38-44, downloads (1195)
25 Ovcharuk V.I.
Ovcharuk A.V.
Bilyk T.L.
Phenological stages of growth and development of the common bean plants and their duration in the Western Forest-steppe
UDK: 636.652/654:631.531.048, pages 34-38, downloads (1224)
26 Poltoretskiy S.P. Terms of growing influence on formation process properties of grain varieties millet
UDK: 633./635:631.543:664.788, pages 25-34, downloads (560)
27 Prytulyak R.M.
Chernega A.
The activity of some antioxidant enzymes oxidoreductases class for herbicide Calibre 75 and plant growth regulator Biolan
UDK: 581.1:633.16:632.954:631.811.98, pages 19-25, downloads (579)
28 Hospodarenko G.M.
Prokopchuk S.V.
Impact of fertilization and inoculation on grain quality indicators of chickpea
UDK: 631.82/.85:635.657:631.445.4(477.46), pages 12-19, downloads (612)
29 Eshchenko V.O.
Koval S.P.
Weed infestation of flax after various preceding crops in the nonherbicide technology
UDK: 632.51:631.582, pages 8-12, downloads (560)