1 |
Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I. Dudka D.V. |
History of breedeng achievements of Ukraine with fruit crops and the results of variety testing
UDK: 582.734.3:575.86,
pages 177-181,
downloads (772)
2 |
Balahura O.V. |
UDK: 633.63.631.531.12,
pages 172-177,
downloads (443)
3 |
Novak A. |
Agro-meteorological conditions for 2011 – 2012 crop year for major field crops
UDK: 551.515631.559,
pages 168-172,
downloads (680)
4 |
Korneeva M.O. Nenka O.V. |
Genetic value of sugar beet pollinators of uman selection as to sugar content and their phenotypic display in topcrossed F1 hybrids
UDK: 633.63.631.52,
pages 162-168,
downloads (416)
5 |
Zozulya O. V. Ryabovol L.O. Lyubchenko A.I. |
Use of haploidy in creation of source material of rape
UDK: 633.8:631.527,
pages 154-162,
downloads (893)
6 |
Zinchenko O.I. Chetyrko S.A. |
UDK: 631.5,
pages 145-154,
downloads (685)
7 |
Eiges N.S. Volchenko G.A. Volchenko S.G. |
Resistance to phytopathogens obtained using the method of chemical mutagenesis on winter wheat
UDK: 631.528.2.23.582.28,
pages 135-145,
downloads (455)
8 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Ткаченко І.Ю. |
Features of spelt wheat fertilizing by nitrogen fertilizers
UDK: 633.11:631.814,
pages 127-135,
downloads (728)
9 |
Chekanova А. |
Reaction of maize lines with erect placing of leaves on CMS of M and C-types
UDK: 631.527:633.15,
pages 122-127,
downloads (690)
10 |
Подгаєцький А.А. Kravchenko N.V. |
Potential of potato interspecific hybrids by the ability to tie marketable tubers
UDK: 635.21:631.5,
pages 116-122,
downloads (822)
11 |
Perfilyeva L.P. |
Cytoembryological peculiarities of aneuploids in the population of tetraploid forms of sugar beet as a source of genetically renewed materials
UDK: 633.63:581.3,
pages 110-116,
downloads (266)
12 |
Lukyanyuk N.A. Ostanin A.V. |
The influence of methods of soil basic preparation, type of mulch and norms of nitrogen fertilizer on the diffusion of sugar beet root rot during the growing season
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12 ,
pages 107-110,
downloads (250)
13 |
Kopytko P.G. Yakovenko R.V. Petryshyna I.P. |
Research on optimization of mineral nutrition of pear plantation
UDK: 634.13.003.13:631.82/.85.001.26 (477.46),
pages 101-107,
downloads (788)
14 |
Herkіyal O.M. |
The influence of fertilizer application system in the field crop rotation on certain physical and chemical properties of podzolized black soil
UDK: 631.81:631.582:631.445.4,
pages 63-101,
downloads (794)
15 |
Zhuk O.Y. Fedosiy I.A. |
The variability of morphological features in Savoy cabbage
UDK: 635.343:517.951,
pages 89-93,
downloads (766)
16 |
Duskabilova Т.I. Duskabilov Т. |
The mobilization of genetic resources of horticultural crops in the South of Central Siberia
UDK: 634.2:631.526,
pages 84-89,
downloads (309)
17 |
Borysenko V.V. |
Leaf area and photosynthetic potential of the sunflower crops depending on the conditions of cultivation
UDK: 581.132:633.85:631.5,
pages 79-84,
downloads (1313)
18 |
Abramovich I.K. |
Influence of microelements and fungicides on the storage of roots in clamps
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12,
pages 75-79,
downloads (404)
19 |
Kirienko A.S. |
The effectiveness of fertilizer in cultivation technology of malting barley in Western Steppe
UDK: 631.816; 631.87,
pages 70-75,
downloads (669)
20 |
Ivanovа T.V. Melnychuk M.D. Antipov I.A. Grynchuk К.V. |
Diagnosis and PCR identification of mushrooms MVX mikovirus (Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge) Imbach)
UDK: 632.38:577.213/.216:635.82,
pages 63-70,
downloads (871)
21 |
Pariy M.F. Pariy Y.F. Pariy F.N. |
Control of alleles of sterility gene in maize breeding of sterile forms on the basis of two gene of male sterility and the marker gene.
UDK: 633.15:575.224,
pages 56-63,
downloads (320)
22 |
Rozhkov A. A. |
The composition and the ratio of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of spring triticale depending on fertilizing crops with urea and micro fertilizers.
UDK: [631.559:633.11:631.5],
pages 49-56,
downloads (570)
23 |
Tereshchenko Y.F. Ulich L.I. |
Formation of high-yield crops of soft winter wheat
UDK: 631.58:633.111,
pages 44-49,
downloads (987)
24 |
Osokina N.M. Kostetska K.V. |
Physical and thermophysical properties of fruit green-stuffs depending on sort and degree of ripeness
UDK: 57.018.4:635.64:631.526.3:631.547.6,
pages 38-44,
downloads (1195)
25 |
Ovcharuk V.I. Ovcharuk A.V. Bilyk T.L. |
Phenological stages of growth and development of the common bean plants and their duration in the Western Forest-steppe
UDK: 636.652/654:631.531.048,
pages 34-38,
downloads (1224)
26 |
Poltoretskiy S.P. |
Terms of growing influence on formation process properties of grain varieties millet
UDK: 633./635:631.543:664.788,
pages 25-34,
downloads (560)
27 |
Prytulyak R.M. Chernega A. |
The activity of some antioxidant enzymes oxidoreductases class for herbicide Calibre 75 and plant growth regulator Biolan
UDK: 581.1:633.16:632.954:631.811.98,
pages 19-25,
downloads (579)
28 |
Hospodarenko G.M. Prokopchuk S.V. |
Impact of fertilization and inoculation on grain quality indicators of chickpea
UDK: 631.82/.85:635.657:631.445.4(477.46),
pages 12-19,
downloads (612)
29 |
Eshchenko V.O. Koval S.P. |
Weed infestation of flax after various preceding crops in the nonherbicide technology
UDK: 632.51:631.582,
pages 8-12,
downloads (560)