Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Issue #84, 2014

1 Лихацький В.І.
Cherednichenko V.M.
Growing of broccoli in a film greenhouse with the soil mulching and application of water-retaining granules
UDK: 635.35:631.544.4:631.58, pages 128-133, downloads (726)
2 L.M. Karpuk
Kykalo M.M.
Sugar beet growth and development features during sowing seeds prepared by different methods
UDK: 633.63:631.527.531.62, pages 124-127, downloads (689)
3 Adamenko D.M.
Polishchuk V.V.
Influence of different quality elite seeds of hybrids MS components on sowing qualities of sugar beet hybrid seeds
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12.631.53.02, pages 119-124, downloads (758)
4 Mykolayko V.P.
Morgun A.V.
Creation of initial material for heterosis breeding of common chicory under the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
UDK: [635.54+623.57] (292.485), pages 113-119, downloads (715)
5 Ovcharuk A.V. Agro-ecological characterization of kidney beans varieties and their productivity in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe.
UDK: 635.652/.654:631.558.3, pages 107-112, downloads (729)
6 Taranenko A.O. Soil biodiversity under the conditions of different soil-climatic zones of Poltava region.
UDK: 332.33:332.64:167.22, pages 100-107, downloads (637)
7 Krasnoperova E. E.
Novozhylov D.O.
Blume Y. B.
Isayenkov S. V.
Creating of the plasmid construction protein kinase AtKIN10, conjoint with RFP to study the cellular localization of this enzyme
UDK: 633, pages 95-100, downloads (628)
8 Chernetskyy V.M.
Palamarchuk I.I.
Summer squash yield capacity formation depending on the sowing terms in conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
UDK: 631. 559: 635. 621: 631. 53. 04 (477.4 – 292.485), pages 90-95, downloads (668)
9 Tsytsyura N.
Halahan O.
Polyvariation of the genus Thuja L. members in the cultural fitolandscapes of Volyn-Podillya
UDK: 582. 477. (477.8), pages 83-90, downloads (652)
10 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Rozborska L.V.
Holodryga O.V.
Changes of biological-physiological indices in plants of winter wheat depending on the influence of Lontrim herbicides and plant growth regulator Emistym C
UDK: 632.954:631.811.98:633.11, pages 77-83, downloads (789)
11 Rovna O. V. Oil flax crop capacity formation depending on mineral nutrition in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe
UDK: 633.52:632.952, pages 71-76, downloads (736)
12 Karnaukh O.B. Weed infestation of plantings and yielding capacity of maize depending on cropping sequences in rotation and main tillage operations
UDK: 632.51:633.15:631.582:631.51, pages 65-70, downloads (519)
13 Vasilishyna E.V. Simulation of the influence of factors on fruits of cherry during storage
UDK: 66.011: 634.23: 664.8.032, pages 59-65, downloads (636)
14 Morgun A.V.
Novak A.
Novak V.G.
Morgun I.A.
Interrelation of seeds size and productivity of sugar beet
UDK: 633.63:631.531.12, pages 53-58, downloads (453)
15 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Datsenko A. A.
Activity of antioxidant enzymes in the plants of buckwheat under the action of biological preparations
UDK: 577.15:633.12:631.811.98, pages 38-44, downloads (654)
16 Poltoretskiy S.P. Influence estimation of combined effect of predecessors and fertilizers on sowing qualities and yielding properties of millet seeds
UDK: 633.16:631.582:631.8:631.53.02, pages 44-53, downloads (590)
17 Zhukov A.V.
Zadorozhnaya G. O.
Demidov A.A.
Rysina E.V.
Ecological importance of spatial variability of soil penetration resistance in the conditions of natural farming
UDK: 631.51:631.95, pages 21-38, downloads (544)
18 Hrytsaenko Z.M.
Voloshyna L.
Microbiological activity of winter wheat rhizosphere on the different growing backgrounds and applying of biologically active preparations
UDK: 631.427.2:633.11:631.811.98, pages 14-21, downloads (609)
19 Hospodarenko G.M.
Ткаченко І.Ю.
Formation of wheat spelta quality under the influence of nitrogen nutrition
UDK: 633.11:631.84, pages 7-14, downloads (785)