Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Grain products subcomplex of Black sea region: status and prospects of development

Author(s) Banyeva I. O., Doctor of Economic Sciences, , Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
year 2017 issue Issue № 91. Part 2
pages 44-53 index UDK 338.439:664.71:330.3(477.7)
Abstract Grain products subcomplex of domestic agro-industrial complex is a strategic sector not only of agrarian sphere of production but also the entire national economy. Because the products of subcomplex is the non-competitive base of food security of the country which is in list of the main goods for export. Therefore, its dynamic development is the foundation of social and economic stability of Ukraine. Grain products subcomplex of domestic agro-industrial complex is on ascension level. However, we believe that its potential is used incompletely, which gives the reasons to research this area. The methodological and theoretical bases of economic research are economic theory, the works of domestic scientists towards problems of functioning and development of grain products subcomplex and so on. In the process of the research they used following methods: monographic, scientific abstraction, empirical, comparativeness, series of dynamics, averages, correlation and others. Black Sea region of Ukraine (Mykolaiv, Odesa and Kherson regions) is important in the domestic grain products subcomplex. This is due to many factors, the most important of which are: 1) climatic conditions. Relatively warm winters and longer growing season allow obtaining high yields of both winter and springing cereals; 2) favorable geographical location. In the Black Sea region there are main grain ports of Ukraine. Therefore, manufacturers of grain products in the region have an opportunity to sell their products for export with minimal transaction costs. Conclusions: 1) the average share of the Black Sea region in the national grain production is 13.7%. This confirms the importance of grain industry of the region in the national production; 2) the average level of the profitability of grain and leguminous crops in the two regions of the Black Sea region is lower than the country as a whole: Ukraine - 20.9%, Mykolaiv region - 23%, Odessa region - 16.4%, Kherson region - 15.9%. The main reason is the relatively low level of productivity; 3) average yielding capacity of grain and leguminous crops in the Black Sea region is far behind the average for the country. In the Kherson region the lowest yielding capacity is equal to the lowest level of profitability in the sphere; 4) intensification of the production of grain and leguminous crops is important way to increase the productivity in the industry - the amount of mineral fertilizers for crops of grain and leguminous crops in Kherson region is considerably inferior as the national, and in comparison with the two other regions of the Black Sea region. Correlation analysis of the impact of the number of chemical fertilizers on the yield of grain and leguminous crops showed a high degree of connection - R = 0.578. In increasing the level of mineral fertilizers per 1 ha of cultivated area per 1 kg of the substance, yielding capacity of grain and leguminous increases by 0.249 quintals per 1 ha; 5) the average share of the Black Sea region in the national production of flour is 9.9%. This indicates the raw material orientation operation of grain products subcomplex of the region. The disadvantage of this orientation is lost of profit due to the difference in added value – the industrial food products are always over-governmental of agricultural raw materials. The most acute problem of shortage of new processing industries of grain products subcomplex of Black Sea region is in Mykolaiv region.
Key words grain products subcomplex, production, level of profitability, yielding, fertilizer, industrial processing, added value
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