Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

The influence of different doses of bio preparations on the germination of swim winter wheat seeds in laboratory conditions

Author(s) Панфілова А. В., , ,
Корхова М. М., , ,
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 87-96 index UDK 633.111.1:631.53.027]001.891.53
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-87-96 (Link)
Abstract The article highlights experimental results from testing the infusion of pre-plant crops with biological preparations for germination energy, laboratory similarity of sows and biometric indicators of seedlings of wheat and winter varieties Duma Odeska. Thus, greater germination energy (90.0 %) was generated by treatment with biological preparations Azotofit-r (0.5 l/t) and Gumifrend (1.0 l/t), which exceeded the control variant (distilled water) by 4.0 %. Greater laboratory similarity to native wheat was recorded in the variant with the vicarious biological preparation Azotofit-r, which was 2.0 % greater for the control. today with the biological product Mycofriend at a dose of 1.0 l/t, which is also minimal – (+2.6 %) compared to the biological drug Phytocide at a maximum dose of 2.0 l/t. 8 l/t most activated the growth of colioptile, which was 43.7 % greater than the control (distilled water). Thus, for stimulation of germination energy and laboratory similarity of winter wheat, the optimal biological preparations are Azotofit-r at a dose of 0.5 l/t and Gumifriend at a dose of 1.0 l/t. It was found that the treatment of livestock with biopreparations Phytocid-r, Mycofriend and Organic Balance Monophosphorus significantly reduces the laboratory similarity of livestock – by 1–3 % depending on the dose of application. Treatment of the present day with the biological product Mikofriend at a dose of 1.0 l/t was effective for stimulating the growth of primary cortices, and for the growth of colioptiles – with the biological drug Azotofit-r at a dose of 0.8 l/t. Also, the biological preparation Azotofit-r at a dose of 0.5 l/t was chosen as the most optimal for processing the winter wheat variety Duma Odeska, which will ensure an increase in germination energy by 4.0 %, laboratory similarity of the sow – by 2.0 %, dovzhini the head root – by 8.5 %, colioptile – by 24.1 %.
Key words winter wheat, dosage of biological products, germination energy, laboratory similarity, primary root lenght, colioptile length
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