Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

Effect of growth regulators on rhizogenesis in some genotypes of rose (Rosa L.)

Author(s) Українець О. А., , ,
Поліщук В. В., , ,
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 257-265 index UDK 633.811:631.527]:911.911.375.1
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-257-265 (Link)
Abstract To preserve varietal characteristics, roses are propagated by cuttings, budding, grafting and layering. However, the simplest and most common method of growing roses is to use stem cuttings. Propagation by cuttings is the easiest way to propagate desirable rose varieties, but the success rate of this method is limited for many varieties due to insufficient root formation. Plant growth regulators can promote the process of rhizogenesis in many ornamental plants, including roses. Nowadays, grafting is more commonly used as a traditional method of rose propagation in the literature. At the same time, the problems of cuttings and cultivation of root roses are less studied at the current level. The method of green cuttings has not yet become widespread in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to improve the technology of rose propagation by stem cuttings using various stimulants of rhizogenesis and to find out the best period for vegetative propagation. The research was carried out in two periods of mass flowering of roses: the first and second decades of June and the first and second decades of September. The object was valuable varieties in terms of decorativeness and remontance, from different originators. Analysing the data obtained, it should be noted that the proportion of rooted cuttings exceeded the control both in the first – second decade of June and in the first - second decade of September. The percentage of rooted rose cuttings varied both in the varietal context and depending on the type and concentration of growth stimulants, as well as on the timing of cuttings. Comparing the two periods of cuttings, the best period is the first - second decade of June. The regularities of growth regulators action on certain genotypes are preserved regardless of the period of cuttings. Thus, the best average effect of growth regulators (for two periods of cuttings) was observed in Pomponella variety and was 85.5 %, while the worst indicator was in Barkarole variety – 70.9 %. The use of growth regulators contributes to a significant increase by 2.76–4.84 units in the number of primary roots on rose cuttings compared to the control without treatment. The highest rate of rooting of rose cuttings for two periods was observed when using NAA in different concentrations depending on varietal characteristics. When using IBA, the best concentration was 50 mg/l for two periods of cuttings.
Key words rose, varieties, rhizogenesis, concentration, indole-3-butyric acid, naphthyl acetic acid
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