Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Selection of the vineyards phytopathological complex key objects for the terroir characteristics

Author(s) Мулюкіна Н. А., , ,
Бузовська М., , ,
Ляшенко Г., , ,
Попова Г., , ,
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 171-184 index UDK 634.8:528.854:581.2:631.4
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-171-184 (Link)
Abstract Aim. Evaluation of the vineyards phytopathological complex objects as one of the key components of the terroir microbiome. Methods. The research was carried out at “Tairov Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making” and State Experimental Enterprises “Tairovske” and Suvorova on vineyards of the ‘Sukholimansky white’ variety. The total number of the examined vines were 1039 and 865, respectively. In order to assess the prevalence of grapevine trunk fungal diseases and the level of damage, visual symptoms were noted on perennial wood, including endophytic (transverse sections), as well as on green shoots and leaves. Results. Early spring and summer inspection of ‘Sukholimanskyi white’ variety vineyards at State Experimental Enterprises “Tairovske” and Suvorova showed the presence of high levels of damage by Phomopsis cane and leaf spots (one-year shoots – from 28 to 100 %, green shoots – from 3.3 % to 93.3 %). On a significant number of vines, endophytic symptoms of various nature were noted on the wood, which indicates the presence of damage by Eutypa dieback and probably Botryosphaerie dieback. In some places, the symptoms of esca damage were noted; no symptoms of viral, phytoplasma diseases and crown gall disease were detected. A database of the main grapevine trunk fungal diseases on experimental vineyards has been created. Conclusions. Spring and summer observations showed that the predominant component of the phytopathological complex of the ‘Sukholimanskyi white’ variety vineyards at two State Experimental Enterprisers were diseases of perennial wood, among which Phomopsis cane and leaf spots - excoriosis - dominates. Symptoms of viral, phytoplasma diseases and crown gall diseases were not noted on the plots
Key words phytosanitary inspection, vineyards, ‘Sukholimansky white’, phytopathological complex, external and endophytic symptoms, grapevine trunk fungal diseases
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