Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Phenological evaluation of the established somaclonal line of camelina sativa resistant to salt and osmotic stress

Author(s) Lyubchenko A.I., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
year 2020 issue Issue number 97. Part 1
pages 52-61 index UDK 581.54:[631.52.6:633.85]
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-52-61 (Link)
Abstract The biological features of сamelina sativa make it possible to grow it in different soil and climatic conditions with high economic efficiency, to obtain environmentally friendly products and make full use of the natural potential of the region. Camelina oil is used for the production of varnishes, paints, soaps, plastics, biodiesel. It is also used for dietary and medical nutrition. The introduction of high-yielding adaptive varieties is the main condition for increasing the production of camelina sativa. Biotechnological methods are used to increase the efficiency of the selection process. Plant forms obtained by biotechnological methods must be evaluated according to a set of economically valuable traits. The length of the growing season is one of the main breeding characteristics of crop varieties. The aim of the work was to analyze the duration of the vegetation period and phenological phases of development of the created somaclonal lines of, resistant to salt and osmotic stress. Phenological evaluation of somaclonal lines of сamelina sativa obtained from explants of Stepovyi 1, Peremoha, Klondike and Yevro 12 varieties was performed during 2018–2020. Created by cell selection, stress-resistant plant material (sodium chloride, mannitol) plant material after microclonal propagation, rooting and adaptation was grown in the research areas of the Department of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Uman National University of Horticulture. The analysis of the duration of the vegetation period and phenological phases of development of somaclonal lines of сamelina sativa resistant to salinity and osmotic stress was performed. It is established that the lack of moisture and elevated air temperatures contribute to the acceleration of the phases of ontogenesis and the reduction of the total growing season. The duration of «sowing-germination» period plants over the years of research, depending on the genotype, varied from 9 to 13 days, the formation of the rosette — from 8 to 13 days, the period of stalking and budding — from 18 to 20 days, the duration of flowering — from 8 to 27 days, the phase of the green pod — from 13 to 15 days, the period from the beginning of pod browning to the onset of full ripeness of seeds — from 26 to 31 days. The vegetation period of the created samples of сamelina sativa in 2018 averaged 80 days, in 2019 — 89 days and in 2020 — 88 days. According to the Methodology of examination of сamelina sativa for difference, homogeneity, stability the obtained data make it possible to rank the created somaclonal plant lines by the duration of the growing season on medium- ripening – C-234-8, C-326-9, C-402-6, С-419-6, С-586-7, П-46-2, П-46-5, П-202-6, П-202-7, П-248-8, П-485-4, П-618-6, П-646-3, П-658-8, Є-405-5, Є-405-8, K-478-2, K-480-2, K-480-4 and late-ripening – C-87-4, C-87-7, C-121-2, C-121-11, C-384-4.
Key words : camelina sativa, somaclonal line, vegetation period, phenological phase
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