Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Formation of vegetative mass and dry substance of soya plants under the conditions of western forest-steppe depending on variety composition and sowing techniques

Author(s) Камінський В. Ф. , , ,
BratsenyukV.Yu., postgraduate, , Institute of Agriculture Western Polesie
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 1
pages index UDK
Abstract At the modern stage of the development of Ukraine’s agricultural sector soya as valuable protein-oil containing crops having a wide range of application in food and technical industries is acquiring an exceptional significance. Relevant scientific and practical challenge arising in the process of soya growing is insufficient crop-yielding capacity of the crops under the production conditions resulted from insufficiently developed technologies of its growing and the lack of study on the processes of growth and development of the given crops. Therefore, the fulfilment of the potential of national varieties of soya requires implementation of scientifically grounded elements of cultivation technology, namely the sowing techniques. The article dwells upon defining the influence of efficiency of the factors under research (variety compositions, sowing techniques) on soya growth and development processes and accumulation of assimilation products. The research was conducted on the trial basis of the Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissia of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences on typical mildly humus lightly loamy chornozem. There are presented data regarding the study on the influence of sowing techniques on the vegetative mass growth rate of the plants and accumulation of dry substance for soya varieties of different maturity groups in Western Forest-Steppe. According to the results of the research under a conventional row sowing technique there was observed the increase in vegetative mass formation in comparison with a wide-row planting. Reliable rates of accumulation of dry substance were formed by all the variants under a conventional row sowing technique and increased: in the phase of branching by 0,1-0,3 g/per plant, in the phase of blossoming – by 0,7-1,6 g/per plant, in the phase of beans formation – by 1,5 – 4,7 g/per plant and in the phase of seeds ripening – by 2,4 – 4,7 g/per plant. The biggest increase in above-ground biomass 62,2 – 60,2 g/per plant and the amount of dry substance 18,7 – 18,1 g/per plant was achieved in the phase of seeds ripening under a conventional row sowing technique of early ripening varieties Monada and KyVin which further impacted the crop-yielding capacity of the plants.
Key words soya, variety, sowing technique, vegetative mass, dry substance.
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