Uman NUH | today: 09/13/2024

Mudrak R.P.

Mudrak R.P.

Uman National University of Horticulture

Academic Status
Doctor of Economics


#PDFTitle of ArticleJournal
1 The development of the storage infrastructure of grain industry as a key condition of full value operating of the national food market Issue #86, 2014
2 The influence of cooperation on the development of the credit resources market for agricultural business entities Issue number 97. Part 2, 2020
3 Development of rural areas and country’s food security Issue 94. Part 2, 2019
4 Current issues of the global economy: changes in the global production in the post-pandemic period Issue number 96. Part 2, 2020
5 Agrarian provision integration in the sector of livestock production: state, tendencies and results Issue № 92. Part 2, 2018
6 Food security in conditions of the economic crisis Issue number 90. Part 2, 2017
7 Increasing the competitiveness of agricultural producers and developing of the cooperation Issue number 97. Part 2, 2020
8 Food market of ukraine: risks and new possibilities in the context of european integration Issue #85, 2014
9 Production of biofuels and food security of country Issue #84, 2014
10 The economic component of the sustainable development of the agriculture of Ukraine Issue number 101. Part 2, 2022
11 The elasticity of consumer demand for gardening products 89. Pat 2, 2016
12 Global value chains in food production and the place of Ukraine in them Issue number 103. Part 2, 2023
13 Macroeconomic instability – unemployment , 2021
14 Risks of social sustainability of agricultural production of Ukraine Issue number 104. Part 2, 2024
15 Economic availability of food in the conditions russian-ukrainian war Issue number 100. Part 2, 2022